On Nov 22, 2010, at 5:42 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 1:09 AM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> [...] Before reaching in a reactive way for @, let's slow down and consider 
> what got us here: over-eager bikeshedding of : instead of "in" [...]
> That's not what got me here. For me the issue is uniformity of guard syntax 
> across all contexts where we need them -- including properties of object 
> literals. I agree it is the uncommon case. But the non-uniformity of using 
> one syntax for this case and another syntax for the more common cases bugs 
> me. Likewise, the technically unambiguous
>     { foo : G : 33 }
> I find too visually confusing and ugly.

Agreed. My point in reply to Peter was that it may be formally unambiguous, but 
it's still "ugly and confusing".

> As you are fond of saying, notation is user interface.

And how! But doubling a colon is not better interface. Especially when that 
double-tax hits all declarations, not just object initialisers.

Let's see if I can write down some alternatives and list trade-offs:

0. let typedObj = { foo : 33 } : { foo : G }; // a la ES4

1. let typedObj = { foo :: G : 33 };          // the guards strawman

2. let typedObj = { (foo : G) : 33 };         // the ML-ish way

3. let typedObj = { foo @ G : 33 };           // funny cartoon chars


0+ avoids running type^H^H^H^Hguard together with property name and value using 
:, ::, @, or whatever, instead paralleling the whole initialiser

0+ allows commoning the guard initialiser expression so it can be reused among 
multiple object value initialisers

0- parallel structure duplicates all property names (and order? not clear), 
which is tedious at any scale and error-prone for large initialisers

1+ avoids restating names (and order?)

1- imposes double-colon tax on all annotation contexts, even though only this 
one wants it for visual distinctiveness (not disambiguation of formal grammar)

1- :: is an eyesore (yet arguably not distinct enough from single : -- see last 
1- item), and has quite different precedent as namespace qualification operator 
in Ecma and other standards

2+ keeps : as annotation punctuator

2- at the price of parenthesizing the property name in object initialisers

3+ avoids overloading colon in object initialisers

3- flouts programming language (including JS derivatives) precedent for using : 
as annotation punctuator

3- may collide with JScript's preprocessor, also may collide with @attributes 
in E4X, uses up @ in a novel way where we might want to reserve it for another 


We don't have too many other funny chars (# is wanted for concise function 
syntax). This suggests trying to use : and not breaking the common annotation 
case over this initialiser hard case.

Sometimes a (commoned, reusable) annotation at the end of the whole object 
initialiser is pure win. It's really not clear at this point that *only* at the 
end, or *only* interspersed guards, are the one way we should standardize.

If guards are uncommon in object initialisers, parenthesization is arguably 
fine, not only as a tax users can pay but as a visual flag that something is up.

Let's consider the likely far more common use-cases:

var x : T = v;

function f(a: U, b: V): W {...}

... { ... let x : T = v; ... }

while @ or another char could work, the tradition favoring : combined with the 
scarcity of unused punctuators makes me want to stick with colon. That, plus 
the relative rarity of annotated initialisers (in my best guess -- we can argue 
about this or try to estimate by adding guards to existing code), make me still 
favor (2).

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