It's okay in Courier New but not in lots of other popular monospaced fonts. See 
attached image.


<<inline: Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 4.19.01 PM.png>>

On May 18, 2011, at 3:30 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

> On May 18, 2011, at 3:14 PM, David Herman wrote:
>>> I think I like <: about as much as  <|.  I'm not sure which is going to be 
>>> more readable across a variety of fonts and sizes.  <| does seem to be 
>>> generally more visually distinct.
>> I just have to say that the pipe symbol in many fonts makes for a really 
>> hideous triangle. It doesn't line up at all with the top and bottom of the 
>> less-than/greater-than symbols.
>>> I suspect that to most JS programmers the UML open triangle generalization 
>>> arrow head is at least as relevant a precedent as any type theory uses.  In 
>>> other words,the relevancy of either isn't very high.
>> Yeah. In fact, the analogy to type theory would have us read the <: symbol 
>> as a binary predicate, which isn't what's going on here at all.
>> So... I don't find either of these lexemes very pleasant, but I don't have 
>> any beautiful alternatives to offer.
>> Dave
> It's highly variable, but on average they both generally look better in a 
> mono-spaced fonts. 

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