... continuing with my sent-too-soon message:

   function() {
       asyncAction(..., { (a, b) a.add(b); } }

You're right, this could be done. Allen's right that aesthetics matter, and so (aesthetic sensibilities in various people were formed by these) do older languages. Ruby uses || not (). Smalltalk uses | but differently, and of course does not use {}.

Apart from aesthetics, I argue that || are better because they are different from the overloaded () pair, which mean expression grouping in the nearby context of the body of the block-lambda, e.g. a.add()b; above. () also are used around formal parameter lists. And of course they are used for control structure heads, e.g. if (foo).

Rather than overloading () yet again, for a different formal parameter list context (block-lambda parameter list after {), which is immediately adjacent to an expression-statement contexts (the block-lambda body), I believe we should use ||.

The Ruby precedent is another reason, and a particular reason to use | instead of some other candidate. But I'm mainly trying to persuade you here that () is not the best choice just because it brackets formal parameter lists for functions.


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