We have three coarse-grained alternatives:

1. ? (params) { body }

1a. One problem is what should we use for ?? 'lambda', 'block', etc. are not reserved the syntax. Whatever the identifier (including Greek lambda: ?), this is an incompatible change.

1b. Another problem: this form looks like a function expression with a different introductory keyword, but Tennent's Correspondence Principle makes the meaning of body elements including |this| and return/break/continue radically different. Different-enough semantics should have different syntax.

2. { (params) body }

Putting the parameter list in parentheses is more consistent with function syntax, while putting the parameters on the inside stresses the block-ness over function-ness. By block-ness I mean (ignoring let, const, and function in Harmony) how code and {code} are equivalent.

Of course this cuts against the syntax too: block statements are not first-class callables whose code bodies are evaluated only if invoked, they are statements evaluated eagerly when reached. This syntax is arguably too block-like.

A point that I remember having come up in past TC39 meetings: if we ever want structuring forms (object literals or destructuring patterns) that use () for grouping property names, this syntax is future hostile.

3. { |params| body }

This is new-to-JS, idiomatic block-like -- but not too block-statement-like -- syntax for novel body semantics.

The bars will drive some people to distraction. Others will grok, or already do via Ruby. This is not to favor Ruby, just to build on the belief that some precedentin language design is better than none.

We could reject (3) in favor of (2) if we had an overriding non-aesthetic reason. I don't see one.

Aesthetics vary. The more conventional look of (2) seems like a usability hazard to me, which trumps aesthetics. Again I'd rather have something more different-looking to signal the novel application of TCP.


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