Brendan Eich wrote:
Axel Rauschmayer <>
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If
you want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the
above syntax as the only function shorthand would be OK.

First, #(params) { body } was proposed by Arv and Alex:

Arv and Alex feel strongly that the shorter function syntax (anything
shortening 'function' syntax) must not freeze by default.

Well, if #(x, y) {x+y} is not good because of # is used for freezing and freezing is not good (it is not, metadata is good argument for that), and if something-like-lambda-block is ok, some variation of lambda-block could be the shorter replacement for functions. These come to mind:

  {*a, b* a+b}
  {/a, b/ a+b}
  {^a, b^ a+b}
  {%a, b% a+b}

and there is still more infix operators...

maybe even {`a, b` a+b} if it does not create conflict in this context.


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