Just to add weight to my previous mail, you may find it interesting to notice that my proposed syntax match nearly exactly the proposed syntax of the new Mozilla-editored Rust programming language: http://doc.rust-lang.org/doc/tutorial.html#closure-compatibility

   call_twice({|| "I am a stack closure; });

   call_twice(fn@() { "I am a boxed closure"; });

It confirms my feeling about {|| ...}: it should only be allowed in a context where the function still exists; it's a way to return the control back to the calling function when you need to call a "callback-able" function for some reason. At every other place, you should use 'normal' closures (the language-agnostic equivalent of ECMAScript functions), for which we should have a simplified syntax (aka syntaxic sugar). I don't bother if it has to start by @, #, %, µ, § or anyting else, but I feel strongly about the fact we need it.

Now, I think everyone got my point, I leave the final discussion to group members. But, at least, my message was sent. ;-)

Best regards,
es-discuss mailing list

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