Andreas Rossberg wrote:
On 12 February 2012 23:47, Brendan Eich<>  wrote:
The concern (no trolling here) is at least about attack surface. If there's
no setter that can be extracted, there's no need for the "frame check"
(however phrased). Adding that check adds more machinery to get wrong or
have interact in unexpected ways with other moving parts.

One could also make the proto accessor special in that reflecting it
does only return a poisoned pair of getter/setters.
That is strictly better than "innovating" by providing a setter that can be reflected upon and then called on other (same-"frame") objects.

Doesn't seem more
magic or hacky than pretending that it is a data property. :)

Hate to argue about devils on pinheads but the always-throwing poisoned accessor patterns (first seen in ES5 strict) smell worse to me than a data property with magic behind it. We had lots of those in various DOMs since day 1 (Netscape 2). Perhaps I'm just used to the odor :-/.

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