On Feb 13, 2012, at 9:55 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

> Finally, an alternative to extending [[Get]] and [[Put]] would be to extend 
> the GetValue abstraction operation (8.7.1) and the Simple Assignment 
> evaluation semantics (11.13.1).
> [[DefineOwnProperty]] and [[Delete]] still need to be extended but, 
> independent of any of the above, these two can probably be made over-riding 
> implementations on Object.prototype rather than extending the default 
> implementations used by all objects.

Hi Allen,

I don't know if this is helpful, but Mark's strawman seemed to make this much 
simpler, perhaps it might make for a less intrusive specification to define 
that this should behave as if it is an accessor property following Mark's 
ProtoGetter/ProtoSetter descriptions, whilst leaving how the property is 
reflected ambiguous?  I think this should amount to the same thing, just might 
be easier to encapsulate this way?


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