On 01/04/12 15:08, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

On Apr 1, 2012, at 8:07 AM, Quildreen Motta wrote:

How is the above better (ignoring any controversy about line-beginning separators) than:

let ps = {
   lookahead ( n) { this.current().slice(0, n || 1) },
   current()  { this.text.slice(this.offset) },
   move(n)  { this.clone(this.text, this.offset + 1) },
   clone(text, offset)  {
      let r = Object.create(this);
      r.offset = offset || 0;
      r.text = text || '';
I forgot the object literal syntax was also getting a lightweight method definition syntax, my bad.

You'd perhaps avoid some of the confusion on dynamic `this' by making it explicit that `this' is just an additional parameter passed over to the function — albeit implicitly.

"this" isn't just an additional parameter and trying to turn it into such just creates more confusions. this (aka self) is a characteristic feature of object-oriented /methods/, not of functions. Methods only have meaning in the context of an object. It is essential to the OO programming model that this/self is dynamically bounds to the object that is the target of each method invocation. In a well designed OO language the method invocation target is syntactically distinct from "other parameters". If this didn't have special OO semantics there would be no reason to have special syntax and semantics for defining/accessing this within a function. However, in that case you don't have a OO language, instead you have a functional language that is used to provide a (low fidelity) simulation of OO constructs.
Hm, perhaps because of my mostly functional background — JS is the only OO language I've actually spent much time learning, — I've always seen methods as higher-order functions (target -> a... -> b), and the `object.method()' invocation pattern as just coupling single dispatching with a nice infix function invocation syntax.

Maybe I'm thinking more in terms of possible implementation details than concepts, which I'm not as familiar with.

It seems to work for Python, though there `self' is bound at the instantiation time.

I don't believe this is correct, if you mean object instantiation time. You can view obj.meth in Python as a left-curry operation that creates a new function where the first parameter of meth is pre-bound to obj. This is why Python does not have issue 3 above.
Ah, yes, you're right. The currying is done at the lookup/dispatch time.
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