Herby Vojčík wrote:

Brendan Eich wrote:
Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
While I'm less than enthusiastic about explicitly provided undefined
values triggering default value usages, I don't think it is
particularly harmful. I think treating null equivalently would be.

Noted, but you have not responded to the argument, made by Sam
Tobin-Hochstadt based on Racket experience, Tab Atkins in Common Lisp,
and others, that failing to treat explicit undefined as a defaulting
trigger creates an anti-modular, combinatorial explosion when wrapping
and delegating. This is the sole reason undefined (or undefined and
null, separate issue) as defaulting trigger is proposed. Please respond
to it directly.

> > f = (x, y=1, z=2) -> console.log(x, y, z)
> f(0, null, undefined)
> > generates
> > f = function(x, y, z) {
> if (y == null) {
> y = 1;
> }
> if (z == null) {
> z = 2;
> }
> return console.log(x, y, z);
> };
> > f(0, null, void 0);
> > We could certainly do worse than to pave this cowpath.

sure, for example, by having any falsy value trigger default value
usage. But just because there are worse things doesn't make the a good
That's a reductio ad absurdum, nothing to do with why I wrote what I

We have a problem with || indeed. The question is whether the solution
should equate null and undefined. CoffeeScript chose the
conceal-the-difference path and it has users. The users who want null to
be distinct from undefined are neither CoffeeScript users, nor || users
(in their defaulting code). They must be doing === undefined test. That
is rare too (not quite as rare as passing null instead of undefined as
intentional default trigger in my experience).

What is your reason for preferring === undefined over == null, since we
have a dilemma and users often use an even looser (falsy, viz ||) test
than == null, but some use == null and others use === undefined, for the
defaulting trigger?

If I can add my own, I use || (because it's short, and if (foo) pattern
desensitivised me), but if there would be an operator for undefined,
I'll switch to use it immediately (I always see it as undefined, knowing
I do sin when using ||).

Btw, |if(foo)| also needs replacement in that case, though if ?? will be
there, |if (foo??true)| (or |if (foo??1)|) would serve the case well.
Well, sorry, not. This is wrong. ?? can't help. |foo ?? 1 : 0| would, but it's different matter. "=== undefined" is too long, though.


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