Brendan Eich wrote:
Herby Vojčík wrote:
Let's allow foo.? to denote "soft foo", so you get:

foo.?.bar // foo == null ? undefined :
foo.?(bar) // foo == null ? undefined : foo(bar)
foo.?[bar] // foo == null ? undefined : foo[bar]

?. works as well for these and the main (by use-frequency, so far) form
matches CS. If we must have extra dots in the lesser-used forms, I'd put
the dot in the middle to keep the question-mark on the left.

but maybe also more esoteric uses, like:

for (let key in foo.?) // for (let key in (foo == null ? {} : foo))

That is even more of an abuse of dot, and it does not play well with ?:
ternaries and the proposed ?? operator.

This is usable case. It is not nice to test whether I can use for-in.


would be legal by maximal munch, parsed as


C'est la vie. :-)
Well, this is something that can be though of, later.
I would not put it away because of this edge case (which is just strange, but not incorrect).

Beyond this objection, the need for foo.? instead of foo != null is not

Worse, you show magic defaulting to {} in the for-in case, but the

Well, I though of Object.keys(foo.?) and saw the {} case (or something similar) is in fact a very good case. It can be used for foo.? uniformly (I'll denote the object [[NPO]] as the short for [[NullPatternObject]]:

foo.?.bar       // (foo == null ? [[NPO]] : foo).bar
                // [[NPO]] returns [[NPO]] from [[Get]]
foo.?(bar)      // (foo == null ? [[NPO]] : foo)(bar)
                // [[NPO]] does nothing when [[Call]],
                // returns [[NPO]]
foo.?[bar]      // (foo == null ? [[NPO]] : foo)[bar]
                // [[NPO]] returns [[NPO]] from [[Get]]
for (let key in foo.?)
                // for (let key in (foo == null ? [[NPO]] : foo))
                // [[NPO]] enumerates no keys
                // Object.keys(foo == null ? [[NPO]] : foo)
                // [[NPO]] has empty key list
foo.?           // foo == null ? [[NPO]] : foo
                // [[NPO]] if false if ToBoolean, == null,
                // == undefined, === [[NPO]], !== undefined,
                // !== null
foo.?.baz = bar // (foo == null ? [[NPO]] : foo).baz = bar
                // [[NPO]] does nothing when [[Put]]

I feel there is objection to introduce magical [[NullPatternObject]] into language, but all of CS-style soft-accesses could be solved very cleanly and consistently.

default result for anything like a suffix-? expression in CS is a
boolean boolean result:

$ cat /tmp/
lhs = foo?

$ ./bin/coffee -p /tmp/
(function() {
var lhs;

lhs = typeof foo !== "undefined" && foo !== null;


foo.? // foo == null ? undefined : foo // sort-of clearing

See above.

foo.? = bar // foo == null ? undefined : (foo = bar)
// this semantics is logical, just don't know
// what would be the use case...
foo.?.baz = bar // foo == null ? undefined : (foo.baz = bar)
// this is usable

These don't win over ?. in the proposal.


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