Thanks for the feedback, allow me to explain the rationale for Array.of: 

One of the main goals of ES6 is to become a better language for library writers 
and code generators. 

For compilation targets, ES/JS can't assume that implementations will always 
know what its factories are expected to construct:

Imagine the following piece of code is used in a VM (think Dart->JS, LLJS->JS)

var o = (function( construct, ) {
  return new construct( rest );
})( factory [, variable arity args] );

If factory is Array and only one numeric arg is given, inline like this:

var o = (function( construct, ) {
  return new construct( rest );
})( Array, 10 );

The result of `o` will be an array with 10 empty indexes, as if it were called 

new Array(10)

If you replace that by using Array.of(), you avoid this "gotcha"

More comments inline...

On Sunday, August 26, 2012 at 5:53 AM, Shijun He wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't think Array.of() is useful, just stick on array literal seems enough:
> var a = [1,2,3]
> var a1 = [3]
> Why we need this:
> var a = Array.of(1,2,3)
> var a1 = Array.of(3)
> Is there any special benefit I missed?
Explained above :)
> And there is another reason why I don't like Array.of() , myself write
> a small library which use Array.of(type) to get a "strong-typed"
> array:
> var StringArray = Array.of(String)
> var a = StringArray.from(['a', 1, true]) // ['a', '1', 'true']
> a.push('string') // ['a', '1', 'true', 'string']
> a.push(100) // throws error
> And Function.of() :
> var sqrt = Function.of(Number).from(Math.sqrt)
> sqrt(9) // 3
> sqrt('9') // error
> sqrt(9, 'unwanted') // error

I'd argue that if code is extending ES built-ins with non-standard properties, 
it accepts the risk that one day it may be in conflict.

> --
> hax
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