On Sep 27, 2012, at 10:26 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>> My original intent was to apply such rules and the current spec. draft 
>> actually has some of these restrictions.  However, those parts were written 
>> before 1JS emerged and the consensus around 1JS seems to be try to 
>> gracefully extend the current ES5 semantics to encompass such new feature 
>> without early error restrictions.
> We have discussed here doing what SpiderMonkey already does: the strict-mode 
> ban on duplicate parameter names when you opt into destructuring. This is 
> entirely consistent with 1JS, and it makes the language better for users and 
> implementors, from what I've seen.
>> Also, at the last meeting there was some significant push back about the 
>> load-time costs (startup latency) of early error detection.
> That's an issue for sure but we talked last week about less-than-early errors 
> for some things. OTOH even a stripped down parser or "reader" must cope with 
> some name binding checks per ES5 strict mode (as well as recognizing "use 
> strict";). That ship sailed. Same goes for duplicate property names in object 
> literals in strict mode.
> The real objection was to full name def/use analysis, which this is not. 
> Duplicate formals are pretty easy to detect and you have to throw an early 
> error for any such given a "use strict"; (later!) in the same function.

So the purpose my original posting is achieved.  I'm all for statically 
disallowing many of these "stupid" cases and I think it is fine to do the 
checks at "first call" rather than load-time (a off-line static linter could be 
more aggressive in reporting such errors).  Since the consensus here seems to 
be the same, I'll take that approach as I update the spec.

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