On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 2:55 PM, David Herman <dher...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> I agree that promises should be standardized in Ecma-262.


> - a way to create promises that don't expose their internal "resolve me" 
> methods, etc. so they can be delivered to untrusted clients, e.g.:
>     var [internalView, externalView] = Promise.makePair();
>     "resolve" in internalView // true
>     "resolve" in externalView // false

This is very important. You don't want the consumer, of XHR for
example, to resolve the promise. It is not only about trusted clients,
it is also about keeping the API clean.

> I agree this is worth doing, though definitely post-ES6. Personally I would 
> like to work on it but for me anyway it has to take a back seat to modules 
> and binary data.

I would say high priority for ES7. Champions wanted. Alex, I'm calling on you!

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