David Bruant wrote:
Le 23/04/2013 15:30, Allen Wirfs-Brock a écrit :
* { [ "__proto__" ]: .... } is not special in any way, and creates a normal property named "__proto__".
I don't believe this is legal. Didn't we agree w to support [ ] property keys that evaluate to symbols.
I don't know what the agreement is, but that would be wise to forbid strings in [ ] propert keys given that ES6 introduces Maps which seem to be a better host for dynamically generated string keys.


Maps are for *abitrary values* as keys -- any type.

Objects have string-equated keys so far. In ES6 we sum symbol | string as the property name type. There is no problem with the o = {[n]: v} syntax for computed property name n (an expression, we argued about wither /Expression/ or /AssignmentExpression/ but I forget the outcome) resulting in either a symbol, or else a value equated to a string as in object literals today.



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