> Le 28 déc. 2013 à 13:05, David Bruant <bruan...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Le 27/12/2013 19:10, Claude Pache a écrit :
>> There is still the issue of potential libraries that produce arraylikes that 
>> don't inherit from a built-in arraylike prototype: those won't benefit from 
>> your polyfill without changing their inheritance strategy.
> I don't understand the expression "inherit from a built-in arraylike 
> prototype". Could you explain this further?

Examples of what I tried to designate by the compact expression "built-in 
arraylike prototype": `NodeList.prototype`, `Array.prototype`, 
`Arguments.prototype`. For instance, if an object inherits from 
`NodeList.prototype`, there is a good chance that it will be detected as 
NodeList by your polyfill, and therefore be handled as an array-like. 
(Otherwise, yes, monkey-patching `Array.from` case-by-case remains possible.)

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