Le 29/12/2013 01:48, Brendan Eich a écrit :
David Bruant wrote:
it's somewhat ironic that Array carries 'from' given it's the only "class" that doesn't need it per case study for 3) above :-)

But Array is the return type.
It's always the return type of Array.from(x), but not the return type of Array.from.call(Whatever, x). I called Array.from "just-from" in my previous message as an attempt to reduce the confusion.

In the latest draft, step 1 of Array.from is "Let C be the this value".
There are different return points that all return 'A' and 'A' created at step 8.a.i as the result of C.[[Construct]]. And C.[[Construct]] doesn't have to return an Array.

That's at least my understanding of the current draft.

"just-from" is a function that turns the iterable passed as argument to an array-like. It'll be an Array for Array.from but whetever else for Whatever.from.

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