Le 31/12/2013 20:52, Calvin Metcalf a écrit :
I had the same idea a couple weeks ago and turned it into a library https://github.com/calvinmetcalf/set.up if anyone finds it useful.
hmm... It is useful, but not future-proof. If methods with these names ever get standardized, your code will override them. If other code wants to use the standard one and there is the least semantic deviation between your library and the standard, this other code will break in subtle ways.

I'd recommand prefixing every non-standard addition with _ as in:

    Set.prototype._filter = function(func, context){

This way, if a standard "filter" method arrives, your code will use "_filter", other code will use the standard "filter" unambiguously and no code will break. This additional _ guarantees non-collision with future standard methods. I suggested this some time ago and no browser vendor nor standard folks complained too hard for this not to work, so I guess it can be declared author territory. The flag is up. Note: this _prefixing trick can also work for Array.prototype and String.prototype and EventTarget.prototype.

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