Le 20/01/2014 23:16, Kevin Reid a écrit :
SES needs to visit every 'primordial' / 'singleton' object to ensure they're made immutable and harmless. (Other 'meta' code might also benefit though I don't know of any examples offhand.)

This job is easier if all such objects are reachable via traversing data properties.

ES5 contains only one object which this is not true of:
Beware, I've heard that the browser contains many more of these objects. See discussion starting at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=900034#c4 In a nutshell, WebIDL defines the "NoInterfaceObject" which, when reified in ECMAScript means that a prototype object exists, but it can't be found via <Interface>.prototype (since <Interface> is not defined as a global). I imagine the only way to find these is create an instance and the Object.getPrototypeOf. It's apparently used in WebGL sometimes. I imagine there is a complete repository of WebIDL files somewhere (Moz/Blink codebase, maybe W3C, maybe alongside the WebGL spec) you can use to list all of these interfaces. How to create the different instances is another story.

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