
As I've already said, I can live with "Turn".  It's big advantage is that it 
completely avoids confusion with the HTML Task/Micro-task concepts.


On Mar 4, 2014, at 8:24 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock <> 
> wrote:
> On Mar 3, 2014, at 4:32 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:
>> Is "chore" better than "turn"?
> Mark, to me "turn", as a noun, sounds like a "scheduling slot" rather than 
> the thing that gets scheduled into the slot.  For example: "in the next turn, 
> we will run the handler for promise p".  The thing that gets enqueue is "the 
> task of running the handler for promise p" rather than the "turn in which p 
> get handled".
> Now its just a word that we are assigning our own meaning to, so we can use 
> "turn" if we want.  But is that equivalence of "turn" and "task" really what 
> you're used to, and something whose meaning is intuitive enough?
> In a time slicing or real-time system, in which future scheduling slots are 
> (even approximately) pre-allocated to specific future times, drawing such a 
> distinction makes sense. But in a run-to-completion event-loop system such as 
> E and JavaScript, I have never found the need for this distinction, and I 
> think it would cause more confusion than it would avoid. The future 
> scheduling slot really has no existence apart from the activity which is 
> scheduled to take place within this slot.
> The <> website, several of my papers[1], and papers by 
> others[2] make use of the "turn" terminology I'm suggesting. I have gotten 
> many questions about many issues over the years about this material, but I 
> have never encountered confusion caused by the choice of the term "turn", nor 
> by the absence of a distinction between the scheduling slot and the activity 
> that takes place in this slot. If the authors of some of these other papers 
> have a contrary experience, please post. Thanks.
> [1]
> [2]
> Allen
> -- 
>     Cheers,
>     --MarkM

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