– Regular expressions: https://gist.github.com/slevithan/4222600
– Escaping the variable parts of domain-specific languages
– HTML templates (think Facebook’s React)
– Internationalization


On Mar 7, 2014, at 0:29 , Caitlin Potter <caitpotte...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What exactly is being accomplished with tagged templates? I mean, what is the 
> use case? It seems to make certain specific function calls look very 
> different from a typical function call, the arguments passed in are not very 
> clearly explained in the draft or wiki, and I have difficulty imagining 
> anyone actually using these for anything. I would love to hear a solid case 
> for these (I've been looking for the past few nights, but nothing has shown 
> up). Template literals are great, but the `tagging` thing seems fishy for the 
> vast majority of applications.
> I'm not saying they shouldn't be included in harmony, i'm just very 
> interested in finding out what practical task they are meant to accomplish
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