>> // Localization and formatting
>> l10n`Hello ${name}; you are visitor number ${visitor}:n! You have ${money}:c 
>> in your account!`
> A correct German translation of this would have to take the gender of the 
> visitor into consideration:
> Male: l10n`Hallo, Herr ${name}; Sie sind Besucher Nummer ${visitor}:n. Sie 
> haben ${money}:c auf Ihrem Konto.`
> Female: l10n`Hallo, Frau ${name}; Sie sind Besucherin Nummer ${visitor}:n. 
> Sie haben ${money}:c auf Ihrem Konto.`
> How would you do that with template strings?

The English version could be used as a key to look up the international 
version. You could also reorder the pieces. A bit of work for a library, but 
template strings would help, a little.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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