Static checking will be limited anyway. If you want to go this way you shoud 
use typescript. 

Big projects are perfectly manageable with CommonJS from my experience with a 
20+ team. The trick is to enforce code reviews and unit tests.

CommonJS falls a bit short on the import side because static analysis of 
require calls is brittle. A special language syntax would enable a robust 
static analysis of dependencies. 

But the export side of CommonJS is basically ok. JS APIs are dynamic and there 
is little value in introducing a shallow and leaky static API verification at 
the module interface.

Two things should not be overlooked in the design:

* ability to dynamically import modules in addition to static imports. IMO this 
should be packaged as an async API

* hooks for transpilers. This should also be an API


> Le 28 juin 2014 à 14:51, Kevin Smith <> a écrit :
>>> Static checking of imports and exports has well-known advantages and would 
>>> help the long-term viability of the language.  
>> Enumerating these specific advantages would inform this discussion.  These 
>> advantages are not well-known. Many developers have experienced the 
>> disadvantages of complex systems of rules and thus favor simple solutions 
>> over ones with theoretical advantages. Explaining the benefits concretely 
>> would help them balance the well-known costs.
> So pretty much everything in Javascript is dynamic, which is one reason why 
> IDE support for Javascript has always lagged behind.  You simply can't know 
> what anything is until you actually run the program.  Statically verifiable 
> exports gives us the ability to inspect and analyze code without having to 
> run it.  There are two big benefits that this affords us:
> ## Early Errors and Warnings ##
> Let's say that you want to deprecate and remove an exported member from a 
> module within a large JS code base.  With static imports, the system will 
> generate an error at compile time if something on the other side of that 
> codebase is importing it.
> For exported function declarations that use default parameters to indicate 
> optional parameters, we can generate build-time warnings when such an 
> function is imported and called with too few arguments.
> For exported classes, we have even more static information at our hands.  
> Without having to run the program, we know the number of arguments for the 
> constructor and we know the list of methods for class instances.  We can 
> generate warnings when we see an instance using a misspelled method name, for 
> instance.
> ## Computer Aided Coding ##
> The information used above to generate lint-like warnings can also be used to 
> give the developer in-editor feedback.  Reliable code-completion for imported 
> function and class declarations becomes possible.  Again, for exported 
> classes we can also do code completion for instance methods.
> These advantages may not seem like a big deal now, but imagine writing JS in 
> a large team five years from now.  Do you want the power of static analysis 
> at your team's fingertips, or do you want to be stuck with "anything goes so 
> anything can break" CommonJS modules?
> Does that do it?
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