On Jun 29, 2014, at 12:50, "Rick Waldron" <waldron.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Static analysis would be necessary if JavaScript ever wanted to make macros 
> possible in modules. I don't have exact numbers nor have I done any formal 
> surveys, but the general response to Sweet.js has been overwhelmingly 
> positive. It would be a shame to close that door. 

My understanding is that door is already closed, since we were not able to 
eliminate the global scope contour from modules (which is necessary to get 
completely-static knowledge of all free identifiers). Part of the 
rationalization for this was that compile-time tools (like Sweet.js) are 
working out pretty well.

See "Back to Static Checking" in http://esdiscuss.org/notes/2013-09-18
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