> Now is second half of 2014, and lots of issues are not closed yet, from what 
> I see.

The spec already looks pretty complete to me and Traceur and TypeScript do a 
pretty good job of letting you use ES6 today.

As previously announced here, the current schedule is to be finished by the end 
of the year, to start the publication process in March 2014 and to have a 
standard by June 2014.

> I got delusioned as well.
> Isn't the model of big new editions of spec over; in the times we live now, 
> with two-week frequent releases? I think ES6 will never see the light when 
> taken from this approach. That's why, shouldn't the release policy be changed 
> so that:

It has already changed, but not for ES6. ECMAScript 7 and later will have fixed 
release dates. Only features that are ready at a given date will be included.
Background: https://github.com/tc39/ecma262

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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