> It doesn’t seem right that you should have to introduce an observable
> prototype property just to get [[Call]] behavior. (Or a constructor
> property, if you change the syntax to `static [Symbol.call]() { … }`.)
> And it raises the question of what happens when I add a [Symbol.call]
> property to other objects. What does it even mean? If I do `var obj = {
> prototype: { [Symbol.call]() { console.log("foo"); } } }`, can I now call
> `obj()`? Is `typeof obj === "function"`? Very strange stuff. Presumably not
> very VM-friendly either, but that's just a guess.

I'd imagine that you'd re-spec [[Call]] for class constructors to basically
do `this[Symbol.call](...args)` instead of just throw.  It would therefore
only have an effect within class constructors.  Is that still weird?

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