`Promise.resolve` doesn't use the species pattern any more:
The rationale was that `resolve` is more like a constructor than a mutator.

I don't have a strong opinion about `Promise.all`, but I think perhaps it
would be better if none of the static methods of `Promise` (Promise.all,
Promise.race, Promise.reject) used the species pattern, which is more
appropriate for instance methods (like `Promise.prototype.then`, where it
is a natural fit).

However, consider another way of looking at it.  Let's make the fundamental
implementation `Promise.prototype.all` (defined by some utility libraries,
including bluebird and prfun, and would be a good candidate for ES7) which
operates on a promise resolving to an array.  It seems natural for that to
use a species pattern, since it's an instance transformation method, like
`then` and `catch`.  The natural implementation of `Promise.all` would then
Promise.all = function(a) { return this.resolve(a).all(); };
This doesn't use the species pattern for the initial `resolve`, but then
does use it to implement the instance method `all`. So the result of
`Promise.all` effectively uses the species pattern.

So: on one hand, static methods don't use @species.  On the other,
`Promise.prototype.all` would naturally use the species pattern, and that
suggests a natural implementation of `Promise.all` would as well.  On the
gripping hand, given a non-species-using `Promise.all`, it is easy to
define `Promise.prototype.all` (just do the initial `resolve` using the
species), but the converse isn't true.  So perhaps a non-species-using
`Promise.all` would be a more useful building block.

I'd appreciate further opinions here.  My bias is against trying to make
late changes to the ES6 spec, so perhaps I'm rationalizing away the
potential problems with `Promise.all` and `Promise.race`.

On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 6:46 AM, Axel Rauschmayer <a...@rauschma.de> wrote:

> https://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-performpromiseall
> I’m wondering: Is it OK that PerformPromiseAll invokes `resolve()` via
> `C.resolve()` (versus `this.resolve()`) with `C` determined via the species
> pattern?
> Rationale: `resolve()` uses the species pattern, too (which is why
> `this.resolve()` works well). Therefore, the species pattern is used twice,
> which may lead to unexpected effects: You define the species of `this` to
> be X, but the species of X is Y. Then `Promise.all()` creates an array with
> instances of Y, not X.
> --
> Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
> a...@rauschma.de
> rauschma.de
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