Mark: I outlined two of these use cases in

One is `WeakPromise` which is a promise holding a weak reference to its
resolved value.  This is the closest analogy with the canonical Smalltalk
motivating example for species.

Another is `TimeoutPromise` which is a promise that rejects in a fixed time
if not resolved before then.

Both of these would set `WeakPromise[Symbol.species] =
TimeoutPromise[Symbol.species] = Promise;` so that the weak
reference/timeout is not "contagious" across `then()`.

`WeakPromise.all([...])` reads like it should return a `WeakPromise` (ie,
ignore species).  This is consistent with the "static methods ignore
species" rule.

*However*, `WeakPromise.resolve([....]).all()` makes it clearer that weak
reference held by `WeakPromise` is actually just to the initial array, and
that the result of `WeakPromise.prototype.all` should in fact be a
`Promise` (ie, honor species).

Similarly for `TimeoutPromise`: `TimeoutPromise.resolve([...]).all()`
implies a timeout to resolve the initial array-of-promises, but the result
of the `all()` is a normal Promise and won't timeout.  But on the other
hand, you wouldn't be wrong if you thought that `TimeoutPromise.all([...])`
should timeout the result of the all.

So, to me it seems like if you think that `Promise.all(x)` is shorthand for
a future `this.resolve(x).all()`, then honoring the species is not a
terrible thing.  In ES7-ish, when you allow `Promise.all` and
`Promise.race` to accept Promises as their arguments (in addition to
iterables), then you could clarify the spec to indicate that the species is
ignored when resolving the Promise argument, then honored when processing
the `all` or `race`.

But if you want a crisp semantics and weren't afraid of more last-minute
changes to the Promise spec, then you'd define `Promise.all` and
`Promise.race` to ignore species, and handle the species issue in ES7 when
you define `Promise.prototype.all` and `Promise.prototype.race`.

IMO, at least.
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