it is more python than more java today:)
and less javascript.

2016-01-01 23:52 GMT+08:00 Mark S. Miller <>:

> This discussion does not belong on this list. Please take it elsewhere.
> On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 10:42 AM, Sander Deryckere <>
> wrote:
>> There are also a lot of coders working in JavaScript (see
>>, and JavaScript can also be used as a backend (see
>> node.js). So why shouldn't Java become a subset of JavaScript?
>> The ES design makes it very clear to not "break the web". That means that
>> any code working today, should also work tomorrow. As such, removing
>> prototypes (which are clearly more flexible than Java classes) or removing
>> the generic number class (instead of int, float, double, ...) or removing
>> other things Java doesn't have or Java does differently, isn't an option at
>> all.
>> Regards,
>> Sander
>> 2016-01-01 16:27 GMT+01:00 Bradley Meck <>:
>>> JavaScript (an implementation of EcmaScript) has different semantics
>>> than Java, it is not a subset and so it would break all sorts of backwards
>>> compatibility (and lose some functionality) to act as if it is a subset of
>>> Java.
>>> Basically, the languages are not directly related so it is not possible,
>>> and mostly comes up from a naming confusion.
>>> On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 8:51 AM, Norbert Korodi <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Hello Guys!
>>>> I have always been a backend developer(Java, python, c++,c) and for a
>>>> long time I haven't had the privilige to play with native javascript... so
>>>> You can imagine when I was forced to code in javascript.
>>>> After a couple of hours I had a really simple thought coming up from my
>>>> spine: es6 is great and es7 will be great... but could you pls make it more
>>>> like Java?
>>>> I mean, it's great that es6 and 7 are getting closer and closer to
>>>> normal languages then why not be simply Java?
>>>> I and my team used GWT (when we were forced to code frontend) and other
>>>> tools to avoid scripting but this time(standardization is somewhere close
>>>> to the right track) You can actually make a difference and create a
>>>> standard language that could be used everywhere. Not because there are
>>>> already a lot of coders working in Java (and other high-level programming
>>>> languages), just because it is a really pain in the a$$ to learn the not so
>>>> important differences what es has compared to other languages...  and they
>>>> give nothing in return.
>>>> Okay, I know it is a scripting language so it can not be as verbose as
>>>> Java... then just simply take stuff away from Java, and please don't add
>>>> anything else for sugaring syntax.Please add syntax only for adding new
>>>> features.
>>>> As I reread my letter I have to admit that I might sound arrogant /
>>>> offensive (and I am sorry for that , at least I am honest ) but I am really
>>>> tired of reading about "new"-ish es features which are only new to this
>>>> platform.
>>>> Br,
>>>> --
>>>> Norbert Korodi
>>>> Big data developer
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>     Cheers,
>     --MarkM
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