Please don't feed the troll.

Norbert: If you don't want to use JS, don't use it. If reading about
bothers you, stop reading about it. Meanwhile, stop polluting the ML.


On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 11:35 PM, Angel Java Lopez <>

> Regarding Norbert Korodi sentence:
> "I just wanted You guys to know that nowadays js / es is not really in a
> good shape. We use it because we have to, not because we like it , so deep
> down we wish for a more standard language."
> Well... this topic could rise a flame war about programming languages, and
> maybe, it should be closed here. I'm not sure who are the "we" in the above
> sentence. But I'm one of the happy members of "we" in the sentence:
> We are using JavaScript, with pleasure, as a powerful and flexible language
> After coding with IBM mainframe assembly language, BCPL, Algol/W, RPG II,
> Fortran IV, COBOL in various flavors, PL/I, Prolog, Lisp, Ruby, Python,
> Forth, APL, Perl, PHP, classic ASP, Quick Basic, Turbo Pascal, DBase II,
> Clipper, Access, Visual Basic classic, Java, C#/VB/CLR, Clojure, Erlang,
> Elixir, I could declare JavaScript is one of the most powerful language I
> know, and a "classical" one in syntax and semantic.
> Sure, there is no silver bullet... But for many contexts, I prefer
> JavaScript, as is, it is in a really good shape.
> Angel "Java" Lopez
> @ajlopez
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