> With the current spec, it's risky because this and super basically may
use two different prototype chains

That's horrible, and I think that should be possible only when forced, by
manually using `Function.prototype.toMethod`. Otherwise (with `super` being
dynamic) there should be only a single prototype chain in question. It
should not even be a concern.


On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 11:42 PM, Raul-Sebastian Mihăilă <
raul.miha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I wasn't suggesting any mechanism for accomplishing that. Method borrowing
> is error prone either way. With the current spec, it's risky because this
> and super basically may use two different prototype chains. Also you may
> change the prototype of the home object and run into trouble. (In the
> alternate approach I would expect a super evaluation in a non-method
> function call to throw). Anyway, I'm OK with the current spec it doesn't
> require too much extra discipline.
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