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Hot Spot: Selasa, 8 Pebruari 2005
Catatan Redaksi:
Sumber berita surat kabar Info Baru edisi 17 Januari 2005 halaman 1. Menurut sumber Eskol-Net beberapa saat setelah terbit, seluruh koran Info Baru edisi ini di seluruh kota Palu habis diborong oleh ‘seseorang’.
Oknum Perwira Polda Diduga Terlibat Penembakan Gereja di Palu
Dijemput 5 Anggota Reserse Mabes Polri
Senin, 17 Januari 2005
Info Baru - Belum hilang di ingatan kita keterlibatan salah seorang anggota Reserse Polres Poso berinisial RF yang berpangkat Briptu atas kasus PENEMBAKAN DI GEREJA BETHANY POSO, kembali salah seorang anggota Polda Sulteng berpangkat AKP (Ajun Komisaris Polisi) yang juga salah satu pejabat di Ditlantas Polda Sulteng berinisial SI, diduga kuat IKUT TERLIBAT DALAM PENEMBAKAN DAN PEMBOMAN DI GEREJA GKST DI PALU (Immanuel dan Anugrah) pada 12 Desember 2004 lalu.

Sumber dan informasi terpercaya yang diperoleh koran Info Baru menyebutkan, salah seorang perwira Polda Sulteng berpangkat AKP yaitu SI, salah seorang pejabat di Ditlantas Polda Sulteng, diduga kuat terlibat dalam kasus penembakan di gereja Immanuel yang mengakibatkan salah seorang warga yaitu Bintijaya (61th) yang juga bertugas di gereja tersebut sebagai satpam, mengalami luka cukup serius.
Hal ini dikuatkan berdasarkan hasil uji balistik Mabes Polri, dimana proyektil yang ditemukan di tempat kejadian perkara (TKP), berasal dari jenis senjata revolver milik SI. Dari pantauan Info Baru, pada hari Jumat (14/1) siang, setelah diperiksa secara kontinyu oleh anggota reserse dari Mabes Polri, SI langsung diberangkatkan ke Mabes Polri Jakarta dengan ditemani oleh Kasat Reskrim I Polda Sulteng, AKBP Immanuel Larosa dan 5 anggota reserse Mabes Polri dengan menaiki pesawat Merpati. ‘Penjemputan’ SI tersebut disertai oleh istri dan beberapa barang sitaan lainnya seperti handphone, senjata berupa pistol, serta barang bukti lainnya yang telah diamankan pihak aparat. Dijemputnya SI ke Mabes Polri jelas sumber, untuk mengungkap dugaan ADANYA JARINGAN TERORGANISIR di belakang peristiwa itu.

Dari informasi lainnya yang berhasil dihimpun Info Baru, SI JUGA DIDUGA KUAT SEBAGAI BAGIAN DARI KELOMPOK GARIS KERAS. Selain itu, dalam ‘Report’nya juga disebutkan SI diduga terlibat dalam kasus penggelapan Pajak Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor (PNKB), kasus pemalsuan Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan (STNK), kasus penggelapan mobil yang melibatkan Sukman Ambo Dalle dan masuknya mobil bodong secara illegal di Kabupaten Parimout yang sampai saat ini tidak tersentuh hukum.

Dugaan di atas semakin dikuatkan dengan keberadaan SI yang oleh stafnya di jajaran lalu lintas Polda Sulteng, ketika ditemui Info Baru mengatakan bahwa SI sudah beberapa hari ini tidak berada di tempat. Begitu pula halnya via telepon rumah SI yang selalu bernada sibuk ketika hendak dihubungi.
Sementara itu, Kapolda Sulteng yang juga dikonfirmasi Info Baru via telepon juga tidak memberikan keterangan atas dugaan keterlibatan anggotanya dalam teror di gereja Immanuel beberapa waktu lalu. “Suara HPnya putus-putus pak,” ungkap kapolda lalu memutuskan hubungan via HP.
English Version: 
Eskol-Net: a few hours after this news was published by a local newspaper, Info Baru/New Info, these newspapers (Info Baru/New Info) which were sold in every corner of Palu city had been bought all by “someone”
The Involvement of Central Sulawesi Province Police Department’s Officer in Shooting Incidents to Palu’s Churches
5 Detectives of Police Department Headquarter “picked him up” to Jakarta

Monday, January 17th 2005
Info Baru – We remembered about the involvement of  a member of Poso Police Department Detective whom initially RF in the case of  POSO BETHANY CHURCH SHOOTING INCIDENT, Now again a member of Central Sulawesi Province Police Department whom has ranking as Police Commissioner Adjutant and also has a high position in traffic section with the initially SI was presumed strongly INVOLVED in SHOOTING and BOMBING INCIDENT AT GKST churches (Immanuel and Anugrah churches) on last December 12th 04.

The reliable source and information which were received by Info Baru newspaper mentioned that, an officer of Central Sulawesi Province Department whom has ranking as Police Commissioner Adjutant and high rank position in traffic section was presumed strongly involved in shooting incident case of GKST Immanuel church which causing a civilian, Bintijaya (61 years old) whom also worked at that church as security, had been injured severely.

It is also supported by the result of ballistic test from Police Department Headquarter, stated that the projectiles which were found on the crime scene were from a revolver gun belong to SI. On Friday, January 14th 05 according to Info Baru observation, after this officer had been investigated continually by a few detectives from Police Department Headquarter, SI was flown hurriedly to Jakarta with his wife and a few of confiscation items such as mobile phone, revolver gun and other evidences which had been secured by Palu Police Department. Moreover he also escorted by Palu high ranking officer, Immanuel Larosa and 5 of his interrogators. The SI picked up to The Police Department Headquarter according to that source, is to discover THE EXISTANCE OF ORGANIZED NETWORK behind that incident.

From other information which has been gathered by Info Baru, SI WAS ALSO PRESUMED STRONGLY AS PART OF FUNDAMENTALIST MOSLEM. Beside that, in his ‘report’ also stated SI was presumed involved in car smuggling crime to Parimot city which until today this case has not been touched by the law and moreover he also involved in tax crime of vehicles and also a case of vehicles’ letters duplication.

The presumption above was strengthened by the information from his staff in traffic section of Central Sulawesi. When he was met by the reporter of Info Baru, he said SI had not been in his office for a few days.

Meanwhile, the chief of Central Sulawesi Police Department was also confirmed by Info Baru via telephone could not give information about the involvement of his members in Immanuel church terror. “My mobile phone’s signal is not good,” he said then he disconnected our conversation. (END)

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