On 13-5-2011 23:57, Newell Jensen wrote:

Did you ever get this figured out?  I am doing an SPI PDI interface with
the ESC right now as well and was wondering how it went for you.




Hello Newell,

Yes I eventually managed to get my desired configuration, although it did require me to write my own EEPROM content. Since TwinCAT proved troublesome in this, I did it by hand using the specifications in ETG 1000.6*. To work the ET1100 without a statemachine on a slave application (e.g. a microcontroller) I've put the ET1100 in Device Emulation mode.

I would have to confess that my approach actually is not the proper way to do so; only the Digital I/O variant of the FB1111-014x is designed to operate stand-alone, others expect a somewhat intelligent application connected to their PDI.

If you've got some specific questions I'll be glad to look into them in the oncomming days.

Kind regards,
Maarten Burghout

* Mind you: there is an error in the documentation for PDO configuration: Tx and Rx positions are switched. I asked Beckhoff about this and they confirmed their error. Keep with the ETG 1000.6 specification, that one is correct!
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