Hi Jason,

you might want to check out fetchmail. It looks like it can do pop3
through a ssh tunnel, which might do what you want. It also supports a
ton of other mail getting formats, some being much more secure than

Hope this helps,

greg k-h

On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 01:09:45PM -0800, Jason Crosswhite wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a security question.
> I'm a nazi about using ssh, scp etc., but just realized that if I use a POP
> server, I am sending out my password unencrypted every time I check my mail.
> I've been trying to just ssh to my server and read my mail via the command
> prompt, but I miss my nice mail clients on my Linux box, and having my mail
> saved locally.
> Here's the question:  Are there any secure POP servers/clients, or can you
> use kerberos authorization or something to get around this?
> Thanks for any info ahead of time.
> -Jason Crosswhtie

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