I have had a bad experience with the rtl8139.  The driver uses a
subroutine to find out the pci information, namely the IRQ and IOPORT.
However, it relies on outside functions.  Sometimes these functions are
not working correctly and the driver fails.  I had one that would get up
and running for about a day and then would just die for no apparent
reason.  I was using SuSE 6.1 with kernel 2.2.7.  The thing is,
sometimes it just works great.  I have a RH6.1 box with an rtl8139 in it
and it works like a dream.  It's a random-reward experience, and trying
in the very least.

Your options:
1)  Buy a new card.  Save the old, because it will work with other
versions of the kernel (ie, different distros or versions) if the
subroutines work.  This is what I did.  I bought a more expensive 3-com
and it kicks ass.
2)  Try using the card as a nec2000 driver (ne2k-pci) but I haven't
personally done this, it was suggested by Stan.  It has some of the same
features, so might work in a pinch.
3)  Find a version of the driver source either from a newer kernel or
older one that doesn't use the pci_scan.h or kern_compat.h.  Or, better
yet, hack your existing version.  Just don't call me to help ;-)
4) I'm unsure if adding the routines would work, because they might be
specific to the individual kernel, and that opens a whole new can of
worms.  At any rate, it can't hurt to try, but only as a last resort (If
you think about how much time it will take you to do all this, at
minimum wage it doesn't take long to justify buying a new card.)

Sorry for the bad news

"Staley W. Mims, III" wrote:

> I just patched my kernel up to 2.2.16 due to the recent security
> news regarding the kernel exploit. In the Slackware 7.0 distro,
> there is a module for the rtl8139 NIC. The patches don't support
> this card.
> I downloaded the source code for the module. When I attempt to
> compile the module, I get a error message to the effect that 2
> include files (/usr/src/linux/include/pci_scan.h and kern_compat.h)
> are missing, and the compile fails.
> Does anyone know if re-compiling the kernel with "Set version
> information on all symbols for modules" included will allow
> the module compiled for the 2.2.13 kernel to work in the 2.2.16
> version.
> Would finding copies of pci_scan.h and kern_compat.h from another
> distro or kernel and putting them into the include directory allow
> the module to compile?
> Is there a more efficient way thean either of the above?
> Any thoughts would be appreciated
> Woody

Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

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