On 16 Jun 2000, at 22:27, Robert M. Solovay wrote:

> It's recommended that I gather certain information first. The part
> that's difficult for me is the make and model of the video card and
> the amount of video ram. Well I know the make [it's Matrox Millenium]
> but I don't know the model or the amount of ram. Is there someway I
> can find it out from my currently running system? [RedHat Linux
> version 4.0; no Windows] 

There are 3 ways-- 1) check out /etc/XF86Config, 2) run 
SuperProbe, or 3) screwdriver.

Hope this helps,
"Custard pies are a sort of esperanto: a  universal language." 
                     --Noel Godin  

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