At 03:07 PM 06/30/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Well, I tried out my free copy of Metro-X last night (OK, and until 4:30
>this morning), and now I am convinced that I need a new monitor.  My
>7-year-old 14-inch just doesn't cut it.  The refresh rates on it are
>just too slow, and Metro is just too much of a horse to pull this little
>tiny cart.  If anybody has a good line on a monitor, let me know.  I
>remember about a month ago, somebody mentioned 20" sun monitors at
>goodwill.  Does anybody know if they are still there?  I wouldn't mind
>one of those.

last i heard, they were... Coburg Rd Store.

>So far, Stan has the 17" Komodo for $199, which is just about great for
>me.  That's my standard for evaluating deals.

that's ok.... 17's are going for less these days on average.... for a good 

Also, what video card do you have?  that makes more of a difference than 
the monitor...

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