At 01:14 PM 08/16/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>He said, "Two of my runs ended with the wonderfully informative message 
>'System error: Input/output error'."
>I don't know exactly how his program works, but I suspect it calculates a 
>set of numbers and appends them to a file then goes to the next set.  As 
>you can see below, it takes about 12 hours to generate a 2 gig file.

It might be running into a filesize limit with Mandrake 6.0  Keep in mind, that
the kernel in 6.0 is OLD.

I'd say the odds are you are right, it's filesize, but I dunno if an 
upgrade will fix it or what.  Sounds to me like he needs to follow up with 
Mandrake or some linux group...  it's not a bug, it's probably a known limit.


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