Well I fixed it. I have no idea what I did, but now it works. One thing I did do
was to remove the remote tools rpm and reinstall it. It didn't work right after
that, but after several other things (and a reboot) it now works. I guess I got

Thanks to all,

"Garl R. Grigsby" wrote:

> Afternoon all,
>     I haven't seen much tech talk lately so I thought I would post a
> couple of questions that have been bugging me and something really neat
> I just found. First for the questions.
> Question 1) No matter what I do, I cannot get rlogin to work on Mandrake
> 7.1. The machine is running NIS and I can telnet into any account, but
> for the life of me I cannot get rlogin to work. the rsh package is
> installed but still no joy. There are no error messages in the logs.
> Nothing. The clients connecting just time out. What am I doing wrong?
> Question 2) (same machine) I am running on a Dual P-Pro 200 system and I
> would like to be able to look at the system load on each processor
> separately. How can I do this? Top lists a the average for each cpu. So
> does vmstat. I know that there is a command to do this some where, but I
> cannot find it. I also know that there is a way to see this information
> in the /proc directory, but I have yet to stumble on it. Help.
> Question 3) How can I assign a specific process to a specific CPU? Say I
> want the system to function on CPU1 and I want a specific process say
> nastran to run on CPU2? Is there a way to bind a process to a specific
> CPU every time? Can I keep other processes from attempting to use this
> CPU? Where can I read more on how Linux uses multiprocessor machines? I
> am looking at setting up a dual Xeon 900mHz box and I really would like
> to be able to control what CPU is doing what.
> Tidbits - in my stumblings on my Redhat 7.0 box I found the following:
> In the /etc/sysconfig directory there is a harddisks file. This file
> allows you to setup how your system is accessing your hard drives.
> Basically it is just a options file for hdparm command, that is run at
> boot time. Very slick.
> Well that is it for me.
> TIA,
> Garl
> --
> =============================================================================
> Garl R. Grigsby
> Customer Applications Engineering - Analysis Team
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Structural Dynamics Research Corporation      Phone: (800)242-7372
> TAO Americas Support Center                   FAX: (541)342-8277
> 1750 Willow Creek Circle                      Email:
> Eugene, OR 97402                              Internet:
> http://www.sdrc.com
> =============================================================================
> -FEA makes a good engineer great, and a poor engineer dangerous-
> =============================================================================
> PGP ID: 0xF2D845E7
> PGP Fingerprint: 9C40 CB5E 1C51 CF58 E3F9  3F2C 8F1F F3EF F2D8 45E7
> =============================================================================

Garl R. Grigsby
Customer Applications Engineering - Analysis Team
Structural Dynamics Research Corporation      Phone: (800)242-7372
TAO Americas Support Center                   FAX: (541)342-8277
1750 Willow Creek Circle                      Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eugene, OR 97402                              Internet:  http://www.sdrc.com
-FEA makes a good engineer great, and a poor engineer dangerous-
PGP ID: 0xF2D845E7
PGP Fingerprint: 9C40 CB5E 1C51 CF58 E3F9  3F2C 8F1F F3EF F2D8 45E7

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