It ain't much warmer out here Wayne!

What I *normally* do is:

1) Check that there's a copy of the latest build in /boot, use the 
date/time for reference. If not, copy or move from ~/linux/arch/i386/boot/ 
your new image. The files will be:

bzImage (make bzImage & make bzlilo)
zImage (make zImage)
vmlinuz (make & make install (I think!))

Then, edit /etc/lilo.conf and either add a new image section or point the 
old section to the new file a la:

# Start LILO global Section
#compact       # faster, but won't work on all systems.
vga = normal    # force sane state
# End LILO global section
# Linux bootable partition config begins
image = /boot/bzImage
#image = /vmlinuz
root = /dev/hda1
label = Linux
# Linux bootable partition config ends

(image = /boot/bzImage is my new compressed kernel image)

Then run /sbin/lilo

lilo's output should be akin to:


If you have more than one boot choice, the item marked with * will be the 
default boot device.

If that fails or you have a dual-booter, try man lilo and the mini-HOWTO's.

Good luck OM


At 06:45 AM 11/17/2000, you wrote:
>                 Hello from the- nearly- frozen tundra of 9-land (Illinois 
> to you non-hams).  I have a bit of a brag, and some questions.
>         I rebuilt the kernel on both my laptop and desktop systems 
> between 22:00 central last night and 08:00 this morning.
>         The books I am using don't go past Redhat 5.2, and I'm running 
> Linux-Mandrake 7.1, every book I'm using says to go in and modify 
> /etc/lilo.conf.  How do I get into there to modify it?  I've been able to 
> bring up that file, but have been unable to modify it.  Any help would be 
> greatly appreciated.
>                 Oh and by the way have a great Thanksgiving!!!
>Sincerely and Respectfully Yours
>Wayne & Leader Dog Sequoia
>N9PSR FISTS #4409
>icq# 315313

James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
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