At 01:52 PM 11/17/2000, you wrote:
>So how did Illinois get a handle like 9-land?

N9RPE is Wayne's FCC Amateur Radio Licensee call sign. Mine is KG7FU, Jim 
KI7AY, Seth N2UFD....

Call Districts are arranged numerically, 0-9 with prefixes beginning with 
A, K, N & W.


N2UFD Seth was licensed in NY or NJ
N6SJE my old CA call
N7LXQ someone from OR, WA, ID, MT, WY, NV or AZ

W6 is the only area with only one state, W2 contains NY & NJ, etc....

Callsigns *usually* reflect the licensee's class of license (there's 
currently 4 of 'em) and their rough
geographic locations. There are exceptions, like Seth not actually being in 
NY or NJ and Jim and my
calls don't reflect that we have the highest class of license obtainable.

See for my ham radio info pages and more 
hammy stuff the US national Amateur Radio fraternal organization and FCC Wireless Telecom Bureau's Amateur Radio 
information pages
and general callsign searches and info

de James KG7FU
James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
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