Oh yes,

I'm using an ATI Mobility M-1 card in my laptop.  I think it has a rage 128 chip, or a 
rage pro inside.  In X3.3.6 I used the mach_64 server.  In X4 I don't see any seperate 
server file, I think it is built in to some other files.  However there are less cards 
supported in X4 than X3.3.6 because of the new design.  Lookup your card at 
xfree86.org to see if it is supported first.


On Wed, Nov 22, 2000 at 09:53:20PM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
> jakob wrote:
> > On an on-topic note...i believe it was kbob giving the linux on
> > laptops schpeel last weekend. In it, he demonstrated putting his
> > laptop to sleep while in X. Just to clarify, I have been unable to
> > do so and not have XFree lock up. Are you using XFree, bob? In
> > addition, the XFree docs seem to suggest this isnt possible (smoke
> > and mirrors?)
> Yes, I'm using XFree86 3.3.6.
> If it doesn't work for you, it seems like a bug in the video driver.
> My Sony and Anne's Dell each have a NeoMagic NM256-something-or-other.
> They use the XF86_SVGA server binary.
> Or it could be you have a different input device driver.  Although
> we have Alps GlidePoint compatible touchpads, we tell the X
> configuration that it's a PS/2 compatible 2 button mouse.
> Sorry I can't tell you exactly what's wrong with your config...
> -- 
>                                         K<bob>
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.jogger-egg.com/

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