Here is a development/organization project some of you might find interesting. 

Dexter Graphic -- A company of free developers, by free developers, for a 
free world.  

Press release on LinuxToday,  October 3, 2000 
(Submitted by Tony Stanco of Free Developers) 

Please help us write the software for democracy, not only for FreeDevelopers, 
but for the world, too. 

FreeDevelopers will be owned and run by all developers worldwide together on a 
democratic basis in a sacred trust for the benefit and protection of the world's 
citizens through free software. It will pay all developers to work on free software. 
All software of the free company will be licensed under the GPL and remain free 
forever. (It's in our corporate constitution). 

Our first major project is writing the code for our own corporate democracy. But 
that same software will be shared with the rest of the world to improve online 
democracy worldwide. 

 (In a separate e-mail from Tony) 
"I spent 2 days this week at an e-Voting conference in Washington, DC and met 
high ranking officials who are working on an e-democracy report to the US 
President that they must complete by December. Everyone there agreed that any 
e-democracy software has to be free/open :-). They, too, are very interested 
in what we are doing. I have follow-up meetings with a number of people, 
including representatives of the UN and the US Federal Elections Committee 
(who run the US national elections), who are interested in the e-democracy 
software we are starting to work on. Our code will be used for our own 
governance of FreeDevelopers, but it will also be shared with them. They too 
want us to succeed."

We already have developers from each of the major countries, but we need your 
help, too. 

Please join FreeDevelopers to storm the proprietary Bastilles, free the 
programmer-prisoners, and help worldwide democracy. 

History is waiting for you :-) 

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