Seems that Adobe has given up on releasing Framemaker, and the beta
expires on Dec 31.

Reading the story on Linux Today, I noticed a really cool little
tool:  to lie to an application and force the time/date.  No more
expiring demo software.

Cut & pasted for your approval:

This quick hack should probably work. Paste this into a file called

   --- CUT HERE --- 
   #define SECONDS 975421904 
   struct timeval { 
   long tv_sec; 
   long tv_usec; 

   int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, void *tz) 
   tv->tv_sec = SECONDS; 
   tv->tv_usec = 0; 

   long time(long *t) 
   if(t) *t = SECONDS; 
   return SECONDS; 
   --- CUT HERE --- 

   Build it with: 
   gcc -c pre.c 
   ld -shared -o pre.o 

   Run it with: 
   LD_PRELOAD=./ name_of_program_to_run 

   Basically it replaces gettimeofday() and time() with stubs which
return a fixed value. Email if you want a
   version which gets the real time of day and subtracts some amount
from it instead (I wrote that first, then
   realised that you wanted a version which returned a fixed time).

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