On Sunday 30 June 2002 22:04, you wrote:
> On Sunday 30 June 2002 18:58, Timothy Bolz wrote:
> > I changed network cards and I thought you could get network card up
> > by using "ifup eth0".  I tried this and it gives me "Ignoring unknown
> > interface eth0." I was able to get it going by using "ifconfig eth0
> > netmask up".
> Since no one else seems to be around.  I'll try to get things started.
> So:
>   1) Your network configuration was working

No I never had the network configured.  The card worked but the module didn't 
so it was easier to change the card. Than to find and compile the fix. 

>   2) You needed to change network cards

For the reason stated above.

>   3) You powered down, swapped cards, powered back up

Yes, I had both in for a while but took out the linksys after the other one 
was recognised.

>   4) Somehow the kernel recognized your new card & assigned it to eth0

I had to put the module to load in /etc/modules then it fired up.

>   5) But your network configuration was now broken

I've only had it going once or twice and only at the clinics.  I was changing 
distro's at the time.  Now I'm happy with Debian.  I think this is the first 
time I had it working without help from the group.  So I think I'm doing 
pretty well.  

> That's odd.  I've made changes like that before and the network has
> come right up.  But, whenever I've done this, I've always had to get
> the right driver loaded first (I'm using a modular kernel).

I'd like to use the Linksys card but I have to compile Linksys and for some 
reason I couldn't link it to the right source so it was just easier to swap 
cards.  I might try it latter when I upgrade to woody.  I'm just waiting 
until they release it.  I'm running ximian and I've read it's not as stable 
as potato.
> Did you do anything else that might have changed your config?
I never did configure a network let alone my own network.

> >  Is there an easier way of
> > doing this I don't want to do this every time I start my machine.
> For Debian Woody and Sid, you can do:
>    dpkg-reconfigure etherconf
I haven't tried this yet but thank you.  I found a webpage after searching 
for a while which described how to have eth0 come up when starting.
You add this to /etc/network/interfaces

iface eth0 inet static

with the exception I changed the address and left out the gateway and 
broadcast.  I have no Idea what they do but I think I don't need it for my 
2-3 computer network.

> to get things set up.  I've forgotten how to do it for potato.
> > If I want to connect from another box how would I do this?
> From below it sounds like you've had SSH working at some point.  So I
> assume you're asking from a hardware perspective here and that you want
> to connect two local boxes.  For two local boxes you could use either a
> single "crossover" type ethernet cable between the two boxes or a hub.
> Somehow though I'm not sure this is what you're asking about.

After getting the card working I started the other computer and was able to 
connect to the other one using SSH.  At that point I knew they could talk and 
ping each other I just could not get box #2 (Boyle) to get on the network 
with Mozilla.

> > I have a dialup connection and have 2 computers and would like to
> > connect the 2nd box to the web thru the 1st box.  Would I use IP
> > tables/chains to accomplish this?
> You probably want to look into Network Address Translation.  Here's a
> starting point:  Linux Networking: Using Ipchains (
> http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/tutorials/2100/2/)
I've found the same page and printed it up. I'm going to have to sit down and 
try it out.  I just have other things I've been doing for now.

> > I was able to ssh into each one of
> > the boxes but I wasn't able to get to use the web on the 2nd box.
> > Should I use dhcp on my main box? All I want to do is to be able to
> > access the web from the 2nd box.
> You should be fine just doing manual assignment of IP addresses.  With
> NAT your local machines would be on their own net (look around for
> references to RFC 1918) which will be "tied" to your ISP's net.
Ok,  I think that might be better than manually assigning IP addresses.  I 
know at least it will work with manually assigning them.

> > I'm running Debian potato.  Is there a Debian way to do this?
> Debian is good to go for all of this.  But you may want to look into
> moving to Woody.

I'm planning on it.

> > I hope someone can help me with this.
> I hope so too.  I'm not very good at this.

Thanks,  I find this is a very rewarding learning process.  Since starting my 
journey with Linux and Open Source I've learned that I can control my 
computer rather than it controlling me.

Again Thanks.

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