Thank you, Patrick!  There are not enough Plan 9 references on this
list!!  Maybe we could get a Plan 9 presentation...


On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 11:05:59 -0800
"Patrick R. Wade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 08:53:12PM -0800, T. Joseph Carter wrote:
| >
| >Actually, this has got me thinking about how to better handle things
| >like swapping disks, root filesystems on removable CDs, etc.
| >
| >It seems that the -bind mount option and / being completely virtual
| >(ie, in the kernel) would be the right way to go about it, but I
| >haven't come up with a good way to implement it.  What's clear is
| >that what I envision is outside the realm of automounters and
| >traditional UNIX filesystem methodology.  (Which means it'll never
| >happen in Linux..)
| >
| >Ah well.  =)
| >
| <SouthPark>Plan 9 did it!</SouthPark>
| On the bright side, Linux has profited from Shameless Ripoff Of
| Decade-Old Plan 9 Technology before ( /proc, among other things ), so
| it might become doable.  
| -- 
| "That time in Seattle... was a nightmare.  I came out of it dead
| broke, without a house, without anything except a girlfriend and a
| knowledge of UNIX."  "Well, that's something," Avi says.  "Normally
| those two are mutually exclusive."                    --Neal Stephenson,
| "Cryptonomicon"_______________________________________________
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