In a message dated 3/17/2001 5:15:56 AM Alaskan Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> ...that the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list is intended solely for discussions
>  of Europa and missions to it.  Other discussions are off-topic and should
>  not be held on the list unless that can be directly tied to Europa.  Your
>  ability to abide by this simple rule will determine the fate of the list.
>  Sincerely,
>  Jeff Foust
>  list administrator

Jeff:  while I admire your putting the Europa website up for people to 
contribute to, I cannot agree to your attempted limitation of it to strict 
discussions of Europa.  
First, there is simply not enough material about Europa and or Europa related 
issues.  There are no solid missions there, there is no solid evidence of 
life or no life, etc.  Much of it is speculation.

As this is the realm of speculation, there is bound to be some issue 
wandering.  This is not a group of obedient bureaucrats inhabiting this web 
discussion group -- these are pseudo-scientists, writers, business 
professionals, engineers, and hacks -- an eclectic group.  

I believe that most of the people here will keep within the realm of space 
technology and exploration, with some peripheral discussions such as 
speculative planets, biota, and so forth.  Even if some of these topics are 
not always strictly 'on point', they nevertheless are part of an environment 
where more Europa related topics can flourish.  

That's my position, and I hold by it.  I do not promise to always confine my 
topics strictly to Europa related discussions, nor will I.  To my 
understanding, the website is generally open to all persons who care to 
contribute, in a mutually respectful manner, about subjects which generally 
involve some aspect of space technology or development.  That is the sort of 
website I am interested in contributing to.

-- John Harlow Byrne

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