Nano-transistor self-assembles using biology
19:00 20 November 03 news service

There will be some pretty weird stuff happening over the next decade or so.
I sometimes wonder if we'll get our carbon nanotube fiber from biological
systems in the end.  Much depends on whether we'll see Moore's Law-type
effects in this technology.  Moore's Law depends on the highly parallel
nature of photolithography and chemistry, on carving structures into planar
surfaces by exposure of substances to light patterns.  Biotech depends more
on the exponential growth curves of microorganism cultures and DNA can do
3-dimensional construction, not just 2D.  One of the founders of Intel said
they had trouble predicting anything in their technology more than 7 years
out, even with the driving forces pretty well understood.  I really wonder
if anyone knows what's going to happen at the biotech/nanotech interface
even 3 years out, at this rate.  For all we know, space elevator reasoning
may seem crudely extrapolative in 10 years, with either much better
approaches discovered, or all hopes dashed.

-michael turner

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