W dniu 16.04.2014 21:39, Andreas Jung pisze:

Am 16.04.2014 um 09:52 schrieb Filip Kłębczyk <fklebc...@gmail.com>:

W dniu 16.04.2014 14:43, Andreas Jung pisze:
The selection process has been always open afaik.

Then where are all the proposals shown that were sent for 2014 and 2015 
hosting? Where are the criteria that decided German proposal was better than 
the one from Belgium. In my opinion process is not open and transparent.

Ask EPS.

I've checked EPS website and it seems some issues with openess are now fixed. It's interesting however that on EP2013 Marc-Andre Lemburg spoke to me about German and Belgium proposals and on the website it is stated that there was only German proposal - very, very strange I would say...

There wasn't for a good reason. I recommend you to talk to Marc-Andre Lemburg, 
maybe he can explain you how the situation looked like. Also I recommend you 
reading the mails on this mailing list since June 2012.

Please what?

I reported the problem to EPS in previous year and also to PSF. I find satisfying the fact that EPS finally tries to improve things and I look forward to it. However, there weren't any apologies for the last year unfair situation nor for the offensive talk of one of EPS high representatives.

I think if someone from EPS has said:

"Poles wouldn't be able to organize Europython anyway"

then it really is as offending as if someone would say

"Women wouldn't be able to organize Europython anyway"

Only difference is type of discrimination (ethnic/gender).

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