EV Digest 5661

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: Another car show
        by TiM M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  2) Re: BMS poll
        by "John Bryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  3) Re: BMS poll
        by "ProEV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  4) Re: Another car show
        by "John Bryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  5) Truck conversions w/ batteries UNDER the stock bed
        by "Michael Mohlere" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  6) Re: AC output to rectifier
        by Joel Hacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  7) Trust GM to give you the facts about EV1
        by Cor van de Water <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  8) Re: Another car show
        by "David (Battery Boy) Hawkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  9) Re: Truck conversions w/ batteries UNDER the stock bed
        by Daniel Eyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 10) Re: Interesting article on the EV1 and customer support...
        by Chip Gribben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 11) Magne Charger -- large paddle parts needed ...
        by "Steve Hawkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 12) RE: Trust GM to give you the facts about EV1
        by "Myles Twete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 13) RE: Truck conversions w/ batteries UNDER the stock bed
        by Cor van de Water <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 14) Exhibitor Staff needed for NEDRA at RPM Tradeshow
        by Chip Gribben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 15) Re: Trying to understand shunt regs
        by Lee Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 16) GM should have crash tested the EV1.  Not crushed it.  
        by "Lawrence Rhodes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 17) Re: GM should have crash tested the EV1.  Not crushed it.
        by Danny Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 18) Re: Truck conversions w/ batteries UNDER the stock bed
        by <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 19) Re: Interesting article on the EV1 and customer support...
        by "Roy LeMeur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 20) Re: AC output to rectifier
        by Steve Condie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 21) Re: Magne Charger -- large paddle parts needed ...
        by Bill Palter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 22) Re: Dead Digital Dashboard
        by Lee Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 23) Re: First ride in my EV
        by "Paul G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 24) Electriccars.com on eBay
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 25) Re: GM should have crash tested the EV1.  Not crushed it.
        by "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 26) Re: First ride in my EV
        by "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 27) Motor mounts or hard bolted to frame (ecobra)
        by Michael Kadie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 28) RE: Electriccars.com on eBay
        by Cor van de Water <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
--- Begin Message ---
I've had my truck in three shows so far. People have
been very good about not touching. I will admit that
the worry about someone grabbing the 144V line with
sweaty hands did bother me a bit. I solved this
problem quite neatly I think. In my truck the motor,
the controler and the cotactors and what not are under
a couple of panels located at the rear of the truck
bed. I took a couple of high resolution digital images
and had them printed in poster size. The prints are
very close to 1:1. I use small magnets to the posters
down on the steel truck bed and explain to people that
what they are seeing is what's under the access
panels. It's worked pretty well so far. With a
conventional truck you could use magnets to hold the
photo to the hood and keep it closed, thus keeping
prying fingers from going where they shouldn't. I do
like the idea of the remote zapper for the pesky folks
that just have to touch...


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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

From: "Mike Phillips"
Please give some details about your chargers.

Hello Mike and All,

   They are just very basic "blinkin'" chargers (yellow/green
on/off adjustable). I removed them from their cases and installed
the transformers and charger boards in the car with the LEDs
displayed in rows as can be seen here:

   I set the voltages on the chargers when I installed them and
they've been remarkably stable. Over the many years since those
long forgotten good old days, the Emeter has always displayed "222" while plugged in, with each battery averaging 13.875 Volts. During the winter, that number fluctuates between 222 and 223, and in the summer it's from 222 to 221.

   The biggest concern about modular charging is that one charger
will fail and doom one of the batteries on the next run. With the
consistency of the Emeter readout, I would instantly know if this had happened, but I always take a look at the charger display to see all green before I do a quick high voltage overcharge - 1.8 Amps, letting
the voltage go as high as it can, then terminating the charge after the
voltage begins to drop off from the top. The highest voltage ever seen
when doing this was about 3 or 4 years ago when I saw 277 Volts on
the pack which is an average of 17.31 Volts. A few days ago, the
number was 253 Volts (15.8V), showing the lower voltage typical of hot summertime conditions, and it's been hot!

   This Spring I lost my first battery, :^(  not a surprise with their calendar
life limit looming closer with each passing day. Luckily I had a spare of
the same vintage in my gasser, so I'm still on the road. :^D


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

ProEV's Electric Imp is running a variation on Lee Hart's Battery
on our Kokam lithium polymer cells.

Relays connect the DAQ system to each cell one at a time reading
Then, on charge, the software decides either to connect the highest
cell to
a resistor or the lowest cell to a isolated DC/DC (12 volt to 4.2
converter for a timed boost.

While driving, the BMS watches for low voltage and uses the DC/DC to
the lowest cell.

I really like this concept. I see how it it related to Lee's. Is it
custom made? Commercial? Is it documented anywhere? How many cells is
this system watching?

We use a DAQ board and relay control boards from www.eeci.com and control them using LABVIEW (www.ni.com) with a Tablet PC in front of the driver. The main boards are stock items. We wanted the capability to boost/discharge individual cells at 30 amps, so we designed our own relay boards controlled by EECI's RYD-8's (http://www.eeci.com/ryd-8p.htm). This also allowed some flexibility in choosing our fuses. AVicor DC/DC unit and a couple of custom boards such as an analog opt isolator complete the unit.

Our software is custom and requires a copy of LABVIEW on the computer to run (which is expensive) but the software is not complicated and the boards can be controlled by much simpler software.

The system is managing 88 cells.

We have a virtual stack of photos and intend to write up the system when time allows.


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

From: "Dave Cover"

Then an idea came to mind. How about hooking up some kind of low level zapper to selected components, like an electric fence, or a little capacitor. If Mr Smartypants ignores all the signs and just has to mess with your ride, he'll get a nice little warning crack on his fingers. It would be fun, but I guess it could also be bad press. Make sure the kids can't reach the protected part. Ooh ooh, wait. How about a litte remote control device, you see him lean in and you're ready
with the remote. Smack. He'll never do that again.

   Bill Dube' would just pop a paper bag behind his head as he reaches in!
Then laugh when he sees the surprised look on his face! :^D
The worst for me was when a woman asked me if her child
could sit in my car. "Of course, of course" and he gets in. He then
starts jumping up and down in the driver's seat, like it's a trampoline!
The mother just stands there watching, like she's waiting for him to
finish a ride at a carnival, and I stand there watching both of them,

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
All -

Will all those that have converted a truck and put the batteries UNDER the stock bed (between the frame rails and the drive shaft) please respond with year and model...I am considering a truck conversion and would like to know which vehicles would make good candidates. I am also interested in a vehicle w/ the lightest possible ICE curb weight....

You may respond to my email address only, and I will compile a list and send it out to the evlist if you all think this would be useful information. I have already checked out evalbum.com.....

Thanks, Michael

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- What do you mean by your transformer is only handling 20% of the wattage of my charger???

Does that mean that the iron core of the transformer is saturating, or
that the transformer is way larger than the amperage that it is carrying?

Steve Condie wrote:

Ben, I'm a little baffled by your question.  All of the light dimmers at my Home Depot are rated 600W.  The 
most common is the Leviton 6681, for $4.97.  I used one of these initially but I didn't like the fact that it 
was "push-on".  I wanted to get one which turned on with a "click" when the dial was 
rotated then adjusted up from there, so the setting would be visually evident before I turned the charger on. 
 I found a "turn on" type at a different hardware store and swapped them.  I have over 500 hours on 
the charger with light dimmers so far without any evident problems.  Home Depot has variable fan speed 
adjusters, too, but they run about $50.

It's possible that I'm not having trouble with my light dimmer because the transformer is only handling 20% of the wattage of my charger, and I have a fan cooling the whole setup because the rectifier does get pretty hot. Or maybe they changed the circuitry since 2001 - I dunno.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks Steve and (Martin, Roland, Mike & others for 
the info on your
charger and the other good info.

I guess my autotransformer must be shorted somehow.  It tries to pull 70
Amps (should pull 20A)  I'll rewire it.
Should a transformer read open or short across the taps?

STEVE, is a 600 W light dimmer normal.  All the ones at home depot are
rated 60-100 Watts.  Then, I read on the EVDL archives, that a fan dimmer
would be better, since it doesn't have a DC component

Quote Dave Roden year 2001: "The problem is that a light dimmer isn't

built for the application. They

don't worry about minimizing any DC in the output, because light bulbs

work equally well on AC or DC.

But AC motors and transformers *hate* DC -- even a small amount makes
them saturate, draw excessive current, and overheat. Light dimmers meant
to control transformers and motors are a little more expensive, but they
have extra circuitry to guarantee that there is no DC in the output. The
waveform is symmetrical at any setting."

Still, where would one find a 600 Watt fan adjuster?
Steve, How healthy is your transformer after extended use, and light
dimmer?  Can you give me a manufacturer and model # on that light dimmer

I do have an Amp clamp, GFI, box, fan, fuses DC and AC side breaker, so
probably just need to rewire to the autotransformer, or its broken.


When you speak of capacitors after the rectifier, I am interested.  How
heavy? (fairly light or monster size?, how many and do you have specs on
them please so that I can duplicate?

Thanks, Ben

See the all-new, redesigned Yahoo.com.  Check it out.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Ha, GM is really starting to feel the heat,
so much that they have even upgraded their
threat warning level to red-hot and placed
the link to their version of the facts
_on_their_main_website_ www.gm.com

I am a little saddened to see that they still
do not get it, just like they were declaring
that Hybrids were not viable - the Prius could
not possibly become a success because GM's R&D
proved that it could not be made at a profit.

How long until their bankruptcy?
They cannot possibly continue to put ever-changing
faces on never-changing gas guzzlers and call them
"all new" - some point in time the public will find 
out that there are alternatives who work better.

BTW - if you have not given up on GM yet, then go to
their website and request a quote on a vehicle, any
vehicle that you WOULD buy if it was electric or had
a good mileage and put in the comments section what
you like to see that this vehicle had....
When enough people get the message across, they
may eventually stop spinning the facts and get
their act together. Who knows.
(Yes, I asked to quote a 40+ MPG vehicle to me.)

I think it is patriotic to drive an EV 

Cor van de Water
Systems Architect
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Private: http://www.cvandewater.com
Skype: cor_van_de_water    IM: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel:   +1 408 542 5225     VoIP: +31 20 3987567 FWD# 25925
Fax:   +1 408 731 3675     eFAX: +31-87-784-1130
Proxim Wireless Networks   eFAX: +1-610-423-5743
Take your network further  http://www.proxim.com

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of TiM M
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:13 AM
To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
Subject: Interesting article on the EV1 and customer support...


Did GM realy hit people up for damages on cars that
were going to the crusher?


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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I wonder if the NEDRA video tapes that John Bryan made are still available.
JB? My tape is more worn at the Maniac Mazda section!

>Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 10:31:22 -0800
>John, points taken.  The skeleton can stay in the closet.  Still trying to
>find some clips of the Maniac Mazda though.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Mike, I have one '85 Chevy S-10 regular cab short bed,
one '84 extended cab short bed and an '86 GMC S-15
regular cab short bed, they are the same vehicle base,
of which I plan to convert at least one, maybe both,
with batteries under the bed and a tilting bed. Good
luck with your plans. Dan Eyk

--- Michael Mohlere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> All -
> Will all those that have converted a truck and put
> the batteries UNDER the 
> stock bed (between the frame rails and the drive
> shaft) please respond with 
> year and model...I am considering a truck conversion
> and would like to know 
> which vehicles would make good candidates.  I am
> also interested in a 
> vehicle w/ the lightest possible ICE curb weight....
> You may respond to my email address only, and I will
> compile a list and send 
> it out to the evlist if you all think this would be
> useful information.  I 
> have already checked out evalbum.com.....
> Thanks, Michael

Daniel Eyk
Vancouver, Wa.

Electric S-10 project
E-15 project

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Yep they did charge people.

Alexandra Paul was charged $1000 for scratches on her car after she turned it in. Her car was one of the ones that was crushed.

After she received the bill from GM she decided not to be nice anymore.

They probably used a standard damage form (and procedures) they use for all the leased vehicles. It just doesn't make sense in this case because the cars were going to be destroyed anyway.

Chip Gribben

Subject: Interesting article on the EV1 and customer support...

http://www.crankycustomer.com/ an_electric_vehicles_shocking_problem.html

Did GM realy hit people up for damages on cars that
were going to the crusher?


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I am looking for parts for the Magne Charger large paddle on-board side
system.  They were installed in USElectricars, Solectrias, and various other
EV models and are used with large paddle base stations.


If anyone knows of available parts for sale I would be interested . my
system is broken and I need spares.







--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
How long until GM's bankrupt?
Kerk Kerkorian's pushing to bring in Nissan and Renault as major owners.
Sounds like GM's flailing...

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Cor van de Water
> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 1:12 PM
> To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
> Subject: Trust GM to give you the facts about EV1
> Ha, GM is really starting to feel the heat,
> so much that they have even upgraded their
> threat warning level to red-hot and placed
> the link to their version of the facts
> _on_their_main_website_ www.gm.com
> I am a little saddened to see that they still
> do not get it, just like they were declaring
> that Hybrids were not viable - the Prius could
> not possibly become a success because GM's R&D
> proved that it could not be made at a profit.
> How long until their bankruptcy?
> They cannot possibly continue to put ever-changing
> faces on never-changing gas guzzlers and call them
> "all new" - some point in time the public will find 
> out that there are alternatives who work better.
> BTW - if you have not given up on GM yet, then go to
> their website and request a quote on a vehicle, any
> vehicle that you WOULD buy if it was electric or had
> a good mileage and put in the comments section what
> you like to see that this vehicle had....
> When enough people get the message across, they
> may eventually stop spinning the facts and get
> their act together. Who knows.
> (Yes, I asked to quote a 40+ MPG vehicle to me.)
> ====
> I think it is patriotic to drive an EV 
> Cor van de Water
> Systems Architect
> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Private: http://www.cvandewater.com
> Skype: cor_van_de_water    IM: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Tel:   +1 408 542 5225     VoIP: +31 20 3987567 FWD# 25925
> Fax:   +1 408 731 3675     eFAX: +31-87-784-1130
> Proxim Wireless Networks   eFAX: +1-610-423-5743
> Take your network further  http://www.proxim.com
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of TiM M
> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:13 AM
> To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
> Subject: Interesting article on the EV1 and customer support...
> http://www.crankycustomer.com/an_electric_vehicles_shocking_pr

Did GM realy hit people up for damages on cars that
were going to the crusher?


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

Make sure that you compare the vehicle weight WITHOUT
the ICE and its components, it does not make sense
to reject a car that is 50 pounds heavier while its
engine and additions weigh more than that, as the
base vehicle is lighter in that case.

Still the old adagio holds: select a vehicle that you like
and that you will continue to like in the years to come,
not necessarily the one with the overall lowest weight.
You won't notice 50 or even 100 lbs on a truck that is
going to be 4000 or 5000 in the end, unless you intend to
drag-race it.

Driving 1 MPH slower has more effect than losing 100 lbs
of weight off your vehicle, if your tires are pumped, well,
hard and it's properly aligned. Otherwise that are your
concerns, so be very careful to buy a straight vehicle,
no previous structural damage.

BTW, I drive a 1994 US Electricar S-10 with the batteries
partly under the cabin and stacked in 2 rows under the bed.
That only works with sealed batteries, or a fancy automatic
watering system. I have AGM's


Cor van de Water
Systems Architect
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Private: http://www.cvandewater.com
Skype: cor_van_de_water    IM: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel:   +1 408 542 5225     VoIP: +31 20 3987567 FWD# 25925
Fax:   +1 408 731 3675     eFAX: +31-87-784-1130
Proxim Wireless Networks   eFAX: +1-610-423-5743
Take your network further  http://www.proxim.com

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Michael Mohlere
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 1:11 PM
To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
Subject: Truck conversions w/ batteries UNDER the stock bed

All -

Will all those that have converted a truck and put the batteries UNDER the 
stock bed (between the frame rails and the drive shaft) please respond with 
year and model...I am considering a truck conversion and would like to know 
which vehicles would make good candidates.  I am also interested in a 
vehicle w/ the lightest possible ICE curb weight....

You may respond to my email address only, and I will compile a list and send

it out to the evlist if you all think this would be useful information.  I 
have already checked out evalbum.com.....

Thanks, Michael

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- If anyone is interested in helping out NEDRA's display at the RPM Tradeshow in Indianapolis just let me know.

The tradeshow is August 30 to September 1. I need to turn in the list yesterday. The tradeshow contractor needs the list to make up badges for the exhibitors.

Roy LeMeur and Father Time are signed up to run the exhibit. And that is all we have, so these guys will need a break because they will of course be inundated with questions.

John Wayland's White Zombie and Father Time's drag bike will be a part of our display as well as goodies from Jim Husted and others we are still putting together. We will also be running cool videos.

The event is an engine rebuilding trade show. The NHRA, IHRA will be the other associations there. Guest speakers will include Don "Snake" Prudhome (sp?) and other drag racing legends.

Also, if you are interested in helping to sponsor our display that would be great. Although the RPM tradeshow provided us with free space there are many expenses associated with designing and running the exhibit. Plus transportation and lodging costs.

So if you are in the Indianapolis area and would like to help out for a day or so just let me know ASAP. I plan to turn in the list tomorrow morning, Eastern Time. Custom racing shirts with the NEDRA logo on them will be made up for the exhibitors at our display. Serious inquiries only please.


Chip Gribben
NEDRA RPM Tradeshow coordinator

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Steve Condie wrote:
The 200 ma reading in the first set of numbers appears anomalous to me.
I would expect it to be around 13.9 volts based on the relationship
 between the other numbers in the two charts; if so, that would
 correspond to my observations of when the bulbs begin to glow in the
 6.2 + 6.8 vs. 2X 6.8 setups, given a little leeway for what constitutes
 "glowing".  The other interesting thing is that I would  expect a
 simple +.6 volts difference between the two charts, but that's
 obviously not correct.

I'm just reporting what I measured.

Zener are very simple devices, and don't regulate like a precision integrated circuit. There are also differences in the characteristic curves between the different voltages.

Interestingly, the true "zener" breakdown mechanism only works below 6v; above 7v, a different mechanism applies and they should be called "avalanche" diodes. Between 6v and 7v, funny things happen to the diode's characteristics as it transitions from zener to avalanche modes.

"...begins to glow" is subjective, of course. The filament is actually glowing a dull red below this point, but there is too little light to detect with a simple detector.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget the perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in    --    Leonard Cohen
Lee A. Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377, leeahart_at_earthlink.net

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
After reading this post below I got this idea:  Why didn't GM just crash
test all those EV1's instead of crushing them?   I'm suprised they didn't
think of that themselves.  It would have gotten rid of them and supplied
some useful data.  Lawrence Rhodes....

Reading the comments section of that entry was interesting.
Especially the comment about the car not meeting safety
regulations, which is easily proven false.

I responded to it, although it's not up yet. I will post the
response to the list below the line.


Quinn, the assertion that GM got a waiver from the NHTSA is

You can see the crash test ratings at the following link:


They also passed GM's crash tests.

I must thank Chelsea Sexton for the following information
below. I did not come across it on my own.

Those safety regulations that would have existed after the
EV1 program was ended were nothing that couldn't be solved.
All that was needed was fortified side impact beams and side
curtain airbags. GM's done much more radical modifications
on cars at the last minute before, with no significant cost

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
They could have had the most unique demolition derby in history.  How fun!


Lawrence Rhodes wrote:

After reading this post below I got this idea:  Why didn't GM just crash
test all those EV1's instead of crushing them?   I'm suprised they didn't
think of that themselves.  It would have gotten rid of them and supplied
some useful data.  Lawrence Rhodes....

Reading the comments section of that entry was interesting.
Especially the comment about the car not meeting safety
regulations, which is easily proven false.

I responded to it, although it's not up yet. I will post the
response to the list below the line.


Quinn, the assertion that GM got a waiver from the NHTSA is

You can see the crash test ratings at the following link:


They also passed GM's crash tests.

I must thank Chelsea Sexton for the following information
below. I did not come across it on my own.

Those safety regulations that would have existed after the
EV1 program was ended were nothing that couldn't be solved.
All that was needed was fortified side impact beams and side
curtain airbags. GM's done much more radical modifications
on cars at the last minute before, with no significant cost

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Mine is a 1989 Isuzu 16 batteries under bed 4 up front.  Ended up after 
conversion weighing 3680 lbs. GVW of vehicle is 4200 lb.


---- Michael Mohlere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> All -
> Will all those that have converted a truck and put the batteries UNDER the 
> stock bed (between the frame rails and the drive shaft) please respond with 
> year and model...I am considering a truck conversion and would like to know 
> which vehicles would make good candidates.  I am also interested in a 
> vehicle w/ the lightest possible ICE curb weight....
> You may respond to my email address only, and I will compile a list and send 
> it out to the evlist if you all think this would be useful information.  I 
> have already checked out evalbum.com.....
> Thanks, Michael

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

Did GM realy hit people up for damages on cars that were going to the crusher?

Yes, many folks were charged $1000 and much more (I have heard of up to $4000) for minor scratches and normal wear and tear.

Roy LeMeur
Olympia, WA

My EV and RE Project Pages-

Informative Electric Vehicle Links-

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
<I think this is correct.  More knowledgible people please correct me if I'm 

I have a 30 volt transformer to boost the (maximum) voltage on the AC side from 
120 to 150 volts. But the transformer is only boosting the voltage by 25%.  The 
line voltage comes in at 120.  One leg goes to the rectifier and then on to one 
end of the primary via the dimmer.   The other leg goes to the other end of the 
primary, then to one wire of the secondary.  The other wire of the secondary 
connects to the other AC  connection on the rectifier.  The primary side of the 
transformer - which is the part the dimmer controls -  only "sees"  wattage 
equivalent to the part of the total watts that is added by the secondary 
windings to the pre-existing line voltage.  At full charge my charger puts out 
a bit over 1,000 watts; but the primary windings only have to handle about 200. 
 I think if you wire a dimmer charger any other way you'll burn up your dimmer.

Joel Hacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: What do you mean by your transformer is 
only handling 20% of the wattage 
of my charger???

Does that mean that the iron core of the transformer is saturating, or
that the transformer is way larger than the amperage that it is carrying?

Steve Condie wrote:

> Ben, I'm a little baffled by your question.  All of the light dimmers at my 
> Home Depot are rated 600W.  The most common is the Leviton 6681, for $4.97.  
> I used one of these initially but I didn't like the fact that it was 
> "push-on".  I wanted to get one which turned on with a "click" when the dial 
> was rotated then adjusted up from there, so the setting would be visually 
> evident before I turned the charger on.  I found a "turn on" type at a 
> different hardware store and swapped them.  I have over 500 hours on the 
> charger with light dimmers so far without any evident problems.  Home Depot 
> has variable fan speed adjusters, too, but they run about $50.
> It's possible that I'm not having trouble with my light dimmer because the 
> transformer is only handling 20% of the wattage of my charger, and I have a 
> fan cooling the whole setup because the rectifier does get pretty hot.  Or 
> maybe they changed the circuitry since 2001 - I dunno.  
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks Steve and (Martin, Roland, Mike & others for 
> the info on your
> charger and the other good info.
> I guess my autotransformer must be shorted somehow.  It tries to pull 70
> Amps (should pull 20A)  I'll rewire it.
> Should a transformer read open or short across the taps?
> 0,105,110,115,120,125?
> 1.)
> STEVE, is a 600 W light dimmer normal.  All the ones at home depot are
> rated 60-100 Watts.  Then, I read on the EVDL archives, that a fan dimmer
> would be better, since it doesn't have a DC component
>>Quote Dave Roden year 2001: "The problem is that a light dimmer isn't
> built for the application. They
>>don't worry about minimizing any DC in the output, because light bulbs
> work equally well on AC or DC.
>>But AC motors and transformers *hate* DC -- even a small amount makes
>>them saturate, draw excessive current, and overheat. Light dimmers meant
>>to control transformers and motors are a little more expensive, but they
>>have extra circuitry to guarantee that there is no DC in the output. The
>>waveform is symmetrical at any setting."
> Still, where would one find a 600 Watt fan adjuster?
> Steve, How healthy is your transformer after extended use, and light
> dimmer?  Can you give me a manufacturer and model # on that light dimmer
> please?
> I do have an Amp clamp, GFI, box, fan, fuses DC and AC side breaker, so
> probably just need to rewire to the autotransformer, or its broken.
> 2.)
> When you speak of capacitors after the rectifier, I am interested.  How
> heavy? (fairly light or monster size?, how many and do you have specs on
> them please so that I can duplicate?
> Thanks, Ben
> ---------------------------------
> See the all-new, redesigned Yahoo.com.  Check it out.

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates 
starting at 1ยข/min.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
  I have a charge port, I was planing on trying to get the rest of the parts
to put into my USelectricar truck. (I have a GM s10 and a RAV4EV so I would have
liked to use the same charger for all three). But if you need a port I might be

willing to part with it, alternitivly if you find a whole bunch 
of the rest of the systems, I would be interested in aquiring more of 
the parts...


Quoting Steve Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I am looking for parts for the Magne Charger large paddle on-board side
> system.  They were installed in USElectricars, Solectrias, and various other
> EV models and are used with large paddle base stations.
> If anyone knows of available parts for sale I would be interested . my
> system is broken and I need spares.
> Thanks,
> Steve

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
... 3 1/2 digit LCD readouts with selectable scales of .2V to 200V.
(from BG micro)...

These meters require an *isolated* 9v supply, that does not have either its + or - supply leads tied to its + or - inputs. You also cannot share this supply between two meters.

Another problem is that these meters have *no* input transient or noise protection. Use a circuit like this (view with a fixed width font):
+v___/\/\_______________________|+     |
      R1   |       |       |    |      |
          _|_     _|_     _|_   |      | digital multimeter (see
      D1 _\_/_  D2/_\  C1 ___   |input | Intersil 7106 for circuit)
           |       |       |    |      |
-v___/\/\__|_______|_______|____|-     |
      R2                        |______|

R1+R2 totals up to whatever resistance is needed for the desired scale factor. Splitting it in half doubles the peak voltage rating of the resistors, and prevents noise from riding in on either + or - wires.

D1 and D2 are ordinary signal diodes (1N4148 etc.) for the +/-200 millivolt scale. For higher voltage scales (like 2v, 20v, or 200v), use back-to-back zener diodes in series in place of D1 and D2 to clamp excessive voltages.

C1 is to suppress ordinary noise that's less than the diode's breakdown voltage. These meters only do a few conversion per second, so C1 can be 0.1uF or so.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget the perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in    --    Leonard Cohen
Lee A. Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377, leeahart_at_earthlink.net

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

On Jul 17, 2006, at 9:04 PM, Cor van de Water wrote:

Grilled DVM anybody?

Yup, I've been there and done that too. In my case the DMM "shunt" resistor evaporated, the DMM fuse exploded, one banana plug welded into the DMM, and one test probe was about 2/3rd gone. The flash made it out the back garage door, through the kitchen, through the dining room, and into the living room where my wife noticed. She ran to the garage to see me with one black hand standing there composing myself (with stars in my eyes :-)

Moral of the story - don't try to measure the voltage across 120 volts of Optimas with your DMM set to measure current!

Paul G.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Has anyone heard of them? Other than the EVDL, I really only know of
EVWorld.com, and hadn't heard of this site:


What is odd is that clicking on the main picture of the auction listing (with
the Audi from Minority Report, I think) links to a Chrysler dealership being
sold on eBay!

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Danny Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: GM should have crash tested the EV1. Not crushed it.

> They could have had the most unique demolition derby in history.  How fun!

>   Yeah! For sure, would you want to see grown men CRY??


> Danny
> Lawrence Rhodes wrote:
> >After reading this post below I got this idea:  Why didn't GM just crash
> >test all those EV1's instead of crushing them?   I'm suprised they didn't
> >think of that themselves.  It would have gotten rid of them and supplied
> >some useful data.  Lawrence Rhodes....
> >
> >
> >Reading the comments section of that entry was interesting.
> >Especially the comment about the car not meeting safety
> >regulations, which is easily proven false.
> >
> >I responded to it, although it's not up yet. I will post the
> >response to the list below the line.
> >
> >=============================================
> >
> >Quinn, the assertion that GM got a waiver from the NHTSA is
> >bullshit.
> >
> >You can see the crash test ratings at the following link:
> >
> >http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/NCAP/Cars/686.html
> >
> >They also passed GM's crash tests.
> >
> >I must thank Chelsea Sexton for the following information
> >below. I did not come across it on my own.
> >
> >Those safety regulations that would have existed after the
> >EV1 program was ended were nothing that couldn't be solved.
> >All that was needed was fortified side impact beams and side
> >curtain airbags. GM's done much more radical modifications
> >on cars at the last minute before, with no significant cost
> >changes.
> >
> >
> >
> >

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: First ride in my EV

> On Jul 17, 2006, at 9:04 PM, Cor van de Water wrote:
> > Grilled DVM anybody?
> >
> Yup, I've been there and done that too. In my case the DMM "shunt"
> resistor evaporated, the DMM fuse exploded, one banana plug welded into
> the DMM, and one test probe was about 2/3rd gone. The flash made it out
> the back garage door, through the kitchen, through the dining room, and
> into the living room where my wife noticed. She ran to the garage to
> see me with one black hand standing there composing myself (with stars
> in my eyes :-)
> Moral of the story - don't try to measure the voltage across 120 volts
> of Optimas with your DMM set to measure current!
      Or hook up yur Amp meter where the VOLT meter wants to go..same
effect!!I mean the expensive Simpson ones with the EXturnal shunt!The needle
was lying in the bottom of the glass, like a cartoon drawing!

     Nest best thing to a Short Circus<g>!


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Motor mounts or hard bolted to frame ( 4 ecobra)
When mounting electric motor.  I can see arguments both ways and was wondering 
what other people have done / experiences.

Hybrid cobra http://ssinc.us/kitcar 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
See the archives,
they have in the past stolen entire pages from EAA websites.
The whole site is setup just like any paid members-only
website: giving you a preview and requiring you to subscribe
to get to the "real good stuff".
Too bad that the smart people on the EVDL already know that
the real good stuff is all for free and the only thing they
will get on websites like this is poorly copied material
from other sites, without honoring copyrights.

I think it is time to send a complaint to its upstream
provider. There will be no point in complaining with the
people that built the site, as that is likely the same guy,
ARCIVE cannot even spell its own name correct in the main
website header (see the Google result of "arcive"). 
And they are in business since.... 1996
When did electriccars.com start again?

I noticed the WHOIS info was updated today, apparently
they got sick from listing all their phone nrs and info
in the registry, for all to find and complain to them.
Since there is minimal info now, they may even lose their
registry entry if enough people complain, as there is not
the required contact info.

>From the archives:
*electriccars.com* * Back-order this name

743 sara dr
oxnard, CA 93030

Administrative Contact:
Gast, Bruce (BG968
&queryString=BG968>) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OXNARD, CA 93030-7678
805-278-9299 fax: 805-278-9299

Technical Contact:
Dackewicz, Steve (SD9095
&queryString=SD9095>) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO BOX 2215
ARCADIA, CA 91077-2215
818-906-2055 fax: 818-906-2082 
and from another entry (remember this one, Lawrence?)
I think this says it all.  Lawrence Rhodes

Please Make check or money order payable to

Arcive Networks Inc.
( Since 1986 - Our parent company )

743 Sara Drive, Ventura/Oxnard, California 93030

      BikiniGirl Network
      743 Sara Drive
      Ventura/Oxnard California 93030
Today the subscription page reads:

Memberships Last 2 Years! 
Just $9.95 

Please Make Check or Money Order
Payable to ARCIVE Networks Inc. 


ARCIVE Networks Inc.
Electric Cars Memberships 
2220 Sneddon Way, Carson City NV 89706 

Indeed, electriccars.com and Arcive are the same person.

Seeing the original organisation name, it reeks to much
of a pron provider that decided to try a new branch, for
some reason I do not feel safe on this site, the contents
of the parent / web design customer listing are lists of 
search engine entries, if they are populated.

My strong recommendation: avoid!

Cor van de Water
Systems Architect
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Private: http://www.cvandewater.com
Skype: cor_van_de_water    IM: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel:   +1 408 542 5225     VoIP: +31 20 3987567 FWD# 25925
Fax:   +1 408 731 3675     eFAX: +31-87-784-1130
Proxim Wireless Networks   eFAX: +1-610-423-5743
Take your network further  http://www.proxim.com

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 3:53 PM
To: EV Discussion List
Subject: Electriccars.com on eBay

Has anyone heard of them? Other than the EVDL, I really only know of
EVWorld.com, and hadn't heard of this site:


What is odd is that clicking on the main picture of the auction listing
the Audi from Minority Report, I think) links to a Chrysler dealership being
sold on eBay!

--- End Message ---

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